News / Open calls / Pixelache Festival

Camp Pixelache 2012 Open Call
perjantai 13. tammikuuta 2012,
Kati Hurme
This spring, 11-12 May, we make a more compact edition of Pixelache Helsinki Festival called 'Camp Pixelache', at Arbis adult education centre, with the the theme of “Do It With Others” (D.I.W.O.). How can artists, makers, cultural producers, researchers and activists work collaboratively with each other and audiences, to create new co-production models for artefacts/events with sustainability as the core goal? Other sub-themes are 'Creative Neighbourhood Skills', 'The Art of Gathering Environmental Data' also 'Virtuality/Social Identity'. We are CALLING OUT proposals for presentations as well as demos for Open Design, Crafts & Manufacturing.
Liittyvä sisältö
29. toukokuuta 2012 12.45,
Kati Hurme

Camp Pixelache 2012 took place 11 & 12 May at Arbis, where over 100 guests enjoyed the event's laid back atmosphere combined with intense presentations & discussions. Saturday 12 May begun with the scheduling of the day by the participants. In between the different open sessions which they also facilitated, Marc Garrett, Jennifer Gabrys, Pedro Soler and Owen Kelly gave plenary presentations under their respective topics. In the course of day over 40 individual presentations took place, accompanied by vivid discussions. Later in the evening, the audiovisual installation Prometheus...
9. toukokuuta 2012 07.38,
Kati Hurme

Open Design demo stalls are exhibited at Arbis during Camp Pixelache on Saturday 12 May 12:30 – 19:00, with several interesting projects. Helsinki Hacklab Reactionists present their Chernobyl simulator and RIXC, The Centre for New Media Culture from Latvia presents TALK TO ME, a human-plant communication interface for exploring relational aesthetics in these hybrid environments.Other demos include for example the results of Electronic Embroidery workshop held in March and Animation App, a rolling "tiny film festival" of the animations that have been made by audience during the exhibition!...
12. huhtikuuta 2012 09.01,
Kati Hurme

Within the context of Camp Pixelache, Demo Stalls on Open Design, Crafts and Manufacturing will be exhibited at Arbis on 12 May, on the same floor where Camp Pixelache takes place. We are calling out for open design, trashlab and hacklab demos to join the Open Design stalls. Deadline for proposing your demo is 27 April. Self-install your exhibit at a stall/table on the day before Camp, Friday 11 May. Pixelache can provide wall space, tables, power chords, electricity, an internet connection, and some pins to hang up posters on the walls. The participants should provide all the necessary...
8. toukokuuta 2012 07.22,
Kati Hurme

This year’s Camp Pixelache opens on Friday 11 May with a keynote lecture by Vinay Gupta (The Bucky-Gandhi Design Institution). Gupta is one of the world’s leading thinkers on infrastructure theory and managing geopoltical risks as well as an environmentalist and a sustainability activist. He is known for example for developing Hexayurt, the free/open source emergency shelter and writing the book The Future We Deserve. In his keynote speech, Tools and Language – Why government can't manage the 21st century, but we can Gupta ponders for example the shifting balance of power between the State...
7. toukokuuta 2012 08.28,
Kati Hurme

Camp Pixelache 2012 is already this week on 11-12.5!!!! It is organised around the overarching theme Do it with Others (D.I.W.O.). Howcan artists, makers, cultural producers, researchers and activists workcollaboratively with each other and audiences, to create new co-production models for artefacts/events with sustainability as thecore goal? Don't miss the opening keynote presentation by Vinay Gupta on 11.5 at 18.00 at Arbis. On Camp Pixelache main day 12.5, the main theme of D.I.W.O. will be outlined by Marc Garrett (UK), activist, artist, writer and co-director/founder of arts collective...