#Burn____ spring programme announcement
perjantai 14. helmikuuta 2020,
Steve Maher
Pixelache is excited to announce the dates and locations for some of our early 2020 projects under the thematic mantle of #Burn____.
Pixelache's 2020 #Burn____ programme is comprised of projects which are facilitated by members of our association. The first quarter of these events collectively, but respectively, address the idea of our perceptions of the current moment, reflecting on both the experiences of the mind and the body as we inhabit the context of contemporary environments.
After a successful #BURN____ Launch event, the programme and the presented projects will explore alternative methodologies relating to activism, meditation and mediation.
The Exhausted Activist Project (2020)
Artist and facilitator Vishnu Vardhani
29.2. - 2.3.2020
Uudenmaankatu 23
00120 Helsinki
Opening: Saturday 29.2. at 18:00
Finnisage: Monday 2.3.2020 at 13:00
The Exhausted Activist project is centred around setting up a pop-up nap cafe, a space for people to rest but which also challenges the perceived norms of 'work-hours' in order to bring back the culture of taking naps and resting. The purpose of this project is to investigate the neuro-politics of rest and especially sleep.
The Exhausted Activist project aims to consider several questions about how we deal with rest as a society, namely
Can reparations for people match the rapidity of technological growth?
Can rethinking rest in times of high productivity lead to a boom?
Can doing nothing become a rebellion to the ideologies of capitalism?
How do passive bodies rest?
Can self-care and unwork be tools for mental health?
More about the artist and performer Vishnu Vardhani at https://www.vishnuvardhani.com/
Collective Subversive Meditation All That has Melted into Air, Inhale (2019)
Curator and Artist Vera Kavaleuskaya
Facilitator Saša Nemec
9.4.2020 from 18:00
Hermannin rantatie 5
00580 Helsinki
Curator and artist Vera Kavaleuskaya presents her performative project All that has Melted into Air, Inhale (2019). It is a collective subversive meditation followed by a group discussion with attending participants through which the public can share their struggles and fears within the Helsinki and international art scenes.
Popular methods and tactics of self-help such as occidental yoga or wellness, either appropriated or created by neoliberalism, oftentimes are tailored to distract individuals from the real cause of their distress and let them repeatedly focus on temporary solutions. Whilst this temporal relief may be helpful in certain occasions, generally, this tendency may lead towards the de-politicization and further alienation of individuals.
Combining the lecture and physical practice, collective subversive meditation All that has melted into air, inhale (2019) questions the position of our bodies within the territory of struggle, and views the air we breathe as an invisible witness and a result of a quite visible problem of extractive capitalism. Within this subversive meditation, participants would attempt to shift attention back towards the production of collectivity, critically reflect upon their exhaustion and the exhaustion of resources, and take a sideways in thinking about the corporeal, their bodies, and their functions.
Photo courtesy of Samra Sabanović / Shelter Festival
More about the artist and curator Vera Kavaleuskaya https://www.kavaleuskaya.com/
Bunkers (2020)
Participating artists: Mari Keski-Korsu,
Facilitator Alan Bulfin
Seinäjoki Taidehalli
Nyykoolinkatu 25
60100 Seinäjoki
Series of interviews
Bunkers is part of the programme during the Senses of Sustenance art event. The project is facilitated by Pixelache Helsinki members artists Mari Keski-Korsu and Alan Bulfin. Bunkers is a series of interviews about care for the environment in the cities and how art and green care psychology combine to create new paths of thinking and forms of public care. This is explored through the concept of embodiment and is also why the bunkers are used. Broadcasting takes place in Upankatu 3 bunker in Seinäjoki.
The concept of embodiment can be explained by thinking of how a bunker, in its function, has an unsettling feeling of imminent disaster or impending doom. That is to say, a bunker embodies existential dread and anxiety even if it is never used. Finland has a unique feature of its building regulations. Any newly constructed buildings over a certain size must install a bunker. This means that Finland as a
nation has legislated for a worst-case scenario. Bunkers mediate this anxiety through explorative practice within these speculative spaces.Program and timetable will be announced closer to the event date.
The event will take place in collaboration with Seinäjoki Taidehalli http://www.seinajoentaidehalli.fi/
A teaser of further programming in 2020
Looking backward - looking forwards
10.6.2020, venue TBA
Facilitator Antti Ahonen
Zero Electricity Collaborative project with Myymälä2
10.8. - 16.8.2020, Myymälä2
Facilitator Egle Oddo
Culture Stew - Hack Culture - Taiwan in Finland
Time and venue TBA
Facilitator Tuomo Tammenpää
Liittyvä sisältö
12. maaliskuuta 2020 14.20,
Steve Maher
Photos by Antti Ahonen The nights proceedings commenced with Program Facilitator, Andrew Paterson, reading from his freshly penned #Burn____ Open Call, this was followed by a preview of the 2020 programing by producer Steve Maher. First act of the night - Bees and Honey a performance by Eva-Liisa Orupold. This was followed by thecombined performancesofFolded Visualsand music fromthe Ultimate Dance Septet. Many thanks to Publics, Helsinki for allowing us to host the first of our years events. Stay tuned for more.....
19. helmikuuta 2020 22.31,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

A creative text written by Andrew Gryf Paterson, expanding upon the theme#Burn____ which connectsour Pixelacheprogramme 2020, towards the next Pixelache Helsinki 2021 Festival. Paterson is the initiator and lead facilitator of the festival, scheduledto be duringthe 2nd weekend of June 2021. This theme is reflected throughout the creative text in various ways, and is crafted fromhis posts to Pixelaching FB group [.TXT], and forms the basis of the open call for contributions that will beopenedand distributed in March 2020. Download the letter [.PDF, 55kb] directly, or click below...
21. huhtikuuta 2020 11.22,
Steve Maher

Pixelache's #Burn____ theme is unique in Pixelache's long andvaried history of thematic premises, in that it takes place over a two year period. Its two parts are comprised of, in short form: #Burn____ 2020 "Program" - which isan incubationand development year, focused on members' projects, 2021 festival design, and the legacy of the association. #BURN____ 2021 "Festival" - in which we will host one of our larger festivals in the association's recent history. This year 2021, and it's accompanying festival, will not only serve as the culmination of theprevious year's developmentand incubated...
20. maaliskuuta 2020 00.01,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

As most European & international cultural associations, organisations, collectives or freelancers adjust their patterns of activity in the context of safe practices related to Covid-19 (novel Coronavirus), Pixelache Helsinki & Networkpromotes the combination of physical distancing, social engagement and solidarity this Spring to Summer 2020. We hope to bridge the gap, support necessary artistic, hybrid & emerging practices exchange, cooperation-partnership building (and outreach), especiallyin relation to our next Pixelache Helsinki 2021 Festival, scheduled for 2nd week of June...
22. joulukuuta 2020 22.21,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

Pixelache welcomes submissions to theSecond Open Call for its 2021 Festival in Helsinki,6-13th June, with a focus explicitly onaudio-based contributions for the planned festival RADIO -stream. This audio programme will be presented locally as a public experiment withOodi's in house audio-streaming platform, as well as online via Pixelache's collaboratingstreaming infrastructure. The application for theopen call is available in English, Finnish, Swedish and Russian. For more infomation about Festival theme #Burn____ & Open Call specifics, seehttps://festival.pixelache.ac/ Image credit -...