Sturenkatu 37-41 4b, Helsinki , FI, 00550

In anticipation of its 20th anniversary in 2021, Pixelache launches into the decade through the title of #Burn____, a programme of events based in Helsinki that will span over the next two years, reflecting on our past as an organisation while finding new ways to design our future together. Looking back at our heritage as what was once a festival of Electronic Art and Subcultures, on the 31st January Pixelache will, in partnership with HYPERREAALIYAH, co-curate a night of media performances and VJ sets which thematically relate to #Burn____ thematic. We invite both new and old friends to join us at Publics, Helsinki with libations and hype!
FB event: - Tickets available through:
Pixelache täyttää 20 vuotta vuonna 2021. Juhlavuoden lähestyessä Pixelache käynnistää uuden vuosikymmenen otsikolla #Burn____, joka on sarja tapahtumia jotka jatkuvat seuraavat kaksi vuotta Helsingissä ja jotka kuvastavat organisaatiomme menneisyyttä samalla kun ne luovivat uutta tietä tulevaisuuteen. Katsoessamme perintöämme, elektronisen taiteen ja alakulttuurien festivaalia, Pixelache kuratoi yhdessä HYPERREAALIYAH -kollektiivin kanssa yön, joka täyttyy mediaperformansseista ja VJ -seteistä, jotka nivoutuvat teemaan #Burn____ featuring Eva-Liisa Orupõld ja Folded Visuals. Kutsumme niin uudet kuin vanhatkin ystävät liittymään seuraamme Helsingin Publics:n juhlimaan ja hehkuttamaan!
FB tapahtumat: - Lippuja voi ostaa:
#Burn____ 31.01.2020 - 19:00 - 23:00
Publics, Sturenkatu 37-41, Vallila, 00550 Helsinki
Pixelache Helsinki will join forces with HYPERREAALIYAH to co-curate a night of media performances and VJ sets which thematically relate to this year’s curatorial premise of #Burn____ and its exploration of contemporary psychological, social and environmental collapse, as well as our ways forward with recovery and resilience.
HYPERREAALIYAH, Eva-Liisa Orupõld and Folded Visuals will be the first artists featured in a sequence of monthly events building up the theme of #Burn____, which are prequel sessions to our Pixelache Helsinki Festival in June 2021, that itself leads into the 20th anniversary of the Festival in the following year.
Our public programme 2020 is initiated and proposed by Pixelache members and collaborators as an early exposure of our sparked hopes and consuming passions, with curiosities and critical heat that we can face and elaborate together during our next years. We hope to make plans towards renewal for new growth and furthering responsibility across generations.
Let’s make it through the next decade alive and together.
19:00 #Burn____ Launch - Programme Facilitator Andrew Gryf Paterson introduces thematic.
19:30 Eva-Liisa Orupõld.
20:30 Programme producer Steve Maher talks about 2020 programme content.
20:00 Folded Visuals.
21:00 Unscheduled fun until 23:00, conversation & frivolity. Then you go home.
#Burn____ is the thematic premise for the next two years of Pixelache’s cultural output as an association, it connects psychological, social and environmental collapse, and how we can survive it, developing resilience. The programme is designed to give the possibility to different actors to interpret the theme #Burn____ in multiple ways and continue our experiments in open and collaborative curation methods. We foresee the focus covering a wide spectrum of possibilities, from the personal to the social and extended systemic perspectives, including for example mental health and ecological collapse as related subjects. We hope to address the topic through postmedia and somatic contemporary art practices, as well as social activism, commons orientated and increasingly non-mediated but network-facilitated exchanges and commissioned artworks. We aim to explore these topics as a means to address their cause and potentially hypothesize their remedy.
Teasers of upcoming monthly events in 2020: Culture Stew - Hack Culture, The Exhausted Activist Project, SXFI, Collective Subversive Meditation - All That is Solid Melts into Air, Seinäjoki Bunker project, Zero Electricity project (In collaboration with Myymälä2), Human Ensemble, Gathering of the Elders and much more!
HYPERREAALIYAH is a collectively simulated artist who’s scrabbling their way back into meaning. The name is a combination of two words, where hyperreality, or the “ecstasy of images”, is combined with aaliyah, a Hebrew word for ascent and refers to the return of diasporic Jews to the holy land of Israel. The simulated artist argues that as hyperreality has become an everyday phenomenon, we are all in diaspora from meaning. Since 2014, HYPERREAALIYAH attempts to reveal the real behind the hyper(real) whilst questioning various structures of meaning production.
Folded Visuals takes the viewer to a secret garden after dark. Visions of lakes, ferns and soft moss blend into mysterious signals and a splash of circuit. Whispers and faraway wanders, restless dreams of a long lost drone. She is a regular VJ and event producer in the Helsinki underground and club scene and organises the VJ festival Aavistus.
Eva-Liisa Orupõld brings her multimedia performance “Bees & Honey” to our launch event Bees & Honey is a selfie video and audio performance by Eva-Liisa Orupõld. It takes a stand to save the world. The impact of the existence of bees, bumblebees and wasps on our planet is undeniable. Still, the media gives tips on how to kill bee communities. On a closer look, our lives are not very different. ”You were born, now probably working and later you die.” Eva-Liisa Orupõld is a visual artist working with photography and video. Gives likes to selfies and bums.
And Musical Performance from The Ultimate Dance Sextet.
Andrew Gryf Paterson is an ‘artist-organiser', cultural producer, educator and independent researcher. He specialises in developing and leading inter- and transdisciplinary projects exploring connections between art, digital culture and science, cultural activism, ecological and sustainability movements, cultural heritage and collaborative networks. He has been involved with Pixelache Helsinki in various capacities since 2004 and co-ordinated and facilitated the around-the-year education programme ‘Pixelversity’ between 2011-2014. What is left behind (or not) as a social, digital, material and ephemeral residue of 'being t/here' has been a consistent concern. More or less archived here:
Steve Maher is a cultural producer and independent electronics and socially engaged artist originally from Limerick, Ireland but now based in Helsinki, Finland. Maher has been a member of Pixelache since 2016. In 2019 he was co-curator and producer for Pixleache’s Festival titled “Breaking the Fifth Wall”. Maher is the inaugural winner of the Kierran Meagher legacy award, from Limerick city of culture 2014. Maher has represented both Ireland and Finland at International Biennials, including the Moscow Biennale for Young Art V 2016, Abandon Normal Devices 2018 and STRP Biënnale 2017.
PUBLICS is a curatorial agency with a dedicated library, event space and reading room in Vallila Helsinki, known for its industrial working-class histories and, more recently, for its influx of divergent artistic and academic communities.
Under the artistic direction of curator Paul O’Neill, with the program manager and curator Eliisa Suvanto, PUBLICS explores a “work together” institutional model with multiple overlapping objectives, thematic strands and collaborations. PUBLICS is a constellation of practices, projects and productions. As such, PUBLICS proposes the term “Public” as always plural—as a concept; as a group of people (imagined, actualized or real); and as a contested spatio-temporal location/discourse in the world. The on-going project strands of PUBLICS are: PUBLICS Library; PUBLICS Talks; and PUBLICS Events and Performances. These initiatives will evolve in time and in parallel with the project’s longer-term curatorial programmes, PUBLICS Public Art Commissions.
Image credit: Ewen Chardronnet.