A creative text written by Andrew Gryf Paterson, expanding upon the theme #Burn____ which connects our Pixelache programme 2020, towards the next Pixelache Helsinki 2021 Festival. Paterson is the initiator and lead facilitator of the festival, scheduled to be during the 2nd weekend of June 2021.
This theme is reflected throughout the creative text in various ways, and is crafted from his posts to Pixelaching FB group [.TXT], and forms the basis of the open call for contributions that will be opened and distributed in March 2020. Download the letter [.PDF, 55kb] directly, or click below embedded-frame for various files:
See our upcoming programme events in spring 2020, that launch event (31.1.2020) mentioned above, or the first related discussion event back in August 2019.
The letter was initially written for the occasion of Pixelache Helsinki 2020 programme launch at Publics curatorial agency in Helsinki on 31.1.2020. It was subsequently updated 20 days later, and re-uploaded on the 19.2.2020. For those interested in taking part in the Festival 2021, or responding to the open call, ruminate in the meantime until further notice on how you might take part / ottaa osaa..
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