The Herbologies/Foraging Networks programme of events, focused in Helsinki (Finland) and Kurzeme region of Latvia, explores the cultural traditions and knowledge of herbs, edible and medicinal plants, within the contemporary context of online networks, open information-sharing, biological and hydroponic technologies.
The traditions of finding and knowing about wild food in the local Nordic environment are slipping away from the current generation. How can one attract their attention: With books, online maps, workshops, mobile-guided tours, open-source information or DNA code? Or learn how to grow them yourself, over the dark winter months?
The Pixelache Festival events introduce the different meeting points between the three collaborating partners, including seminar presentations by international artists and Finnish botanical experts; workshops sharing that knowledge with the public; a round-table discussion about foraging in the urban context; and a localised manifestation of the Windowfarms Project
Following, in a midsummer expedition to rural Kurzeme, Western Latvia, SERDE Interdisciplinary Art Group will lead fieldwork to learn about the cultural heritage of Balts using wild plants, and create documents for the younger ‘digital native’ generation.
Initiators/Organisers: Andrew Gryf Paterson (SCO/FI), Ulla Taipale / Capsula (FI/ES) and Signe Pucena / SERDE (LV).
The general production and all events in this programme are supported by an Art and Culture Production grant from Kultur Kontakt Nord. Windowfarms Finland production is supported by AVEK (The Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture).

Following the first part in March earlier this year during Pixelache Festival, the second part of of theHerbologies/Foraging Networksprogramme takes place around midsummer in Aizpute and Alsunga, within the Kurzme region of Latvia, June 2010.
Interdisciplinary Art GroupSERDE, based in Aizpute, coordinates, hosts and invites an international and interdisciplinary group of guests to build upon their experience of engaging cultural heritage subjects as an arts organisation. Signe Pucena, in collaboration with Andrew Gryf Paterson, has organised a series of fieldwork excursions to learn about...

The ‘Herbal Tinctures’ workshop is an artistic interpretation of creating alcoholic extracts of plant materials at home. The first part of the workshop will introduce the traditions of making tinctures for medicinal purposes, while the second part will refer to collecting herbs or other wild foods in Latvia.
Although the tradition of making alcohol is wrapped in secrecy, research has been done for several years to document it’s making in the home. Whether it is called kandža or one of the other names for it— kandža, lerga, dzimtenïte, samogonka, lurcis or brendinš, its production at home is...

Ossi Kakko is organizing a workshop “Fermentation Sermon” during Pixelache Helsinki Festival. Utilizing the plants grown in the Kiasma ‘taka-ikkuna’ Window Farm and in the botanical garden – the participants will gain experience in the artisanal craft of lacto-fermentation, and preserve food for future culinary sessions.
The workshop explores food sovereignty through diversity of edibles available for anyone in the wild, or to grow in their apartments, offices, public spaces, and nearby environments.
Most of the plants Ossi selected for growing in the Window Farm were not willing to be...

The Window Farm installation will be dismantled, and distributed in segments to selected persons and organisations (make a bid!), including basic start-up hydroponic materials, and maybe even plants. This occasion will be accompanied by music from Helsinki-based electronica-dub groupDreadlock Tales, via head-phones or short-range FM transmitter.

// 13.00: Introduction to full Herbologies/Foraging Networks programme
// 13:15: *Cultural Heritage* theme // duration 45 mins
Signe Pucena (LV): Herbs and cultural heritage, Baltic expeditions -project
Interdisciplinary Art Group SERDE’s artistic research approach combines ethnographic interviews and intangible cultural heritage studies and with performative cultural production, and self-published cultural heritage booklets. This presentation will share early research in relation to the living traditions of herbs- gathering, preparing and using in Latvia....

Entitled in full flourishing diversity:‘DIY-Hydroponic HYBRID DNA ISOLATION Skill-Share Lab: How to Extract DNA from Anything Living in the Laboratory or in your Kitchen: A Compare and Contrast Vegetarian Laboratory and Hobbyist Workshop’.
This was a hands-on lab and bio-political discussion, led by renowned bioartist Adam Zaretsky (US), on the difference between whole plant preparations and purified, ‘isolated’ extracts and risk assessment of intentional release ‘utilisation’ of Hybrid DNA. Participants were encouraged to bring samples of fruit, weeds, trees, nuts, seeds and roots from...

Camp Pixelache is an informal one-day event for Pixelache participants to meet up and share knowledge. The programme of presentations and discussion will be organised in BarCamp style at the start of the day, when everyone arrives at the venue. We encourage each participant to be prepared to give a presentation or host a discussion.
Camp Pixelache also features openings of two exhibitions (How to make a dishwasher & chmod +x art) and an extensive selection of artworks and experimental design projects by Pixelache participants.
Camp Pixelache will take place on Friday 26 March at Kerava...