News / Pixelache Festival

Getting to Vartiosaari & info-desk
04 June 2014,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
For those joining Camp Pixelache 2014 on Vartiosaari 7-8.6., please consult in advance the Practical Info pages, including how to get there, and the info desk opening hours.
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Andrew Gryf Paterson

In the summer of 2014, Pixelache Helsinki responded to the invitation to make a Case Study interview for the 'Agents of Alternatives: Re-designing our Realities'publication, edited byAlastair Fuad-Luke, Katharina Moebus and Anja-Lisa Hirscher. As an attendee of all Camp Pixelache events since they started in Pixelache Festival 2010 onwards, and facilitator in 2013, Andrew Gryf Patersonreflected upon the beginnings, acting & doing, reflecting & sustaining, outcomes and outputs, and lessons learned in the process of Camp Pixelache experience. The interview questions and answers can be...
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Andrew Gryf Paterson

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