Remix the Commons is a collaborative and evolutive multimedia project. It aims at documenting and illustrating key ideas and practices of the commons movement, including the creative process of the project itself. In collaboration with Remix the Commons & M-Cult, we would like to invite you for a short interview about the Commons during the Camp Pixelache week end (7-8.6). Camp Pixelache is bringing together a myriad of people from Northern Europe, the Baltic countries and beyond, who we hope could share their voices to the Remix the Commons platform. Interviews will be documented in video and made available under a creative commons license in order to be remixed, distributed, and eventually added to the Remix The Commons database. All along the weekend, the contact point on Remix the Commons is a collaborative and evolutive multimedia project. It aims at documenting and illustrating key ideas and practices of the commons movement, including the creative process of the project itself. In collaboration with Remix the Commons & M-Cult, we would like to invite you for a short interview about the Commons during the Camp Pixelache week end (7-8.6). Camp Pixelache is bringing together a myriad of people from Northern Europe, the Baltic countries and beyond, who we hope could share their voices to the Remix the Commons platform. Interviews will be documented in video and made available under a creative commons license in order to be remixed, distributed, and eventually added to the Remix The Commons database. All along the weekend, the contact point for the Remix the Commons interviews is Verkkomaja. Welcome
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