Melinda Sipos from Budapest (Hungary) is the second resident of Pixelache Micro-Residencies during 9-17-5-2012.
Melinda Sipos is a Budapest-based artist and designer, cultural mediator and producer who works locally and internationally. She initiates, co-ordinates and participates in various projects and workshops at the intersection of art, design and technology. She studied glass design and new media design in Hungary and France and went on to hold various positions at Kitchen Budapest media lab, including programme director.
Besides, I’d like to introduce two of my current projects, both related to data in different ways: Beyond Data, a joint project betweenKitchen Budapest and Baltan Laboratories and Based on Pig, a research project about food and culture. Another important moment of the Camp Pixelache will be the creation of a 10 year anniversary cake for Pixelache, in which I’m also involved. During the other days I’m there to observe, participate, discuss and digest and of course meet people. I’d like to get to know the Restaurant Day team, and some socially engaged design teams.
I would be happy to initiate a rather informal discussion about the experience of leaving an organization after years, which something I recently went through. I’m curious to share mine and listen to others’ experiences and explore the different aspects of it.
It seems that there is a very intense and exciting week ahead
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