Preliminary date is 7-8 August 2008, with a possibility for staying over for the weekend for Konstrundan 08 , more information coming soon! If you are interested in joining us, please send an email to summerschool08 {{ät}} pixelache.ac - - - - - - - -...

The Official Pixelache University 2008 Graduation Ceremony with Grillibileet!
Date: Friday 30 May 2008
Time: 18.00-21.00
Location: Park in the corner of Nilsiänkatu and Ensi-kodin tie in Vallila, Helsinki
We provide the grill, please bring your food + drinks! A special Pixelache booli will also be served for the ones who arrive early enough..
Date: Wednesday 28 May 2008
Time: 21.00-02.00
Location: mbar
Propaganda VJ's (Plektrum, EST)
dj Jaagup Jalakas (Plektrum, EST)
+ Beige/Harmaa VJ's (VJ Finland, FIN)
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VJ Finland presents Videoblast 2008
Tallinn Special w/ Pixelache
Plektrum festival co-director Jaagup Jalakas will dj with the leading Estonian vj duo, Propaganda at VJ Finland's club Videoblast 2008 at mbar on Wednesday 28th. The event is a collaboration...
Printemps (im)médiat - minne menet mediataide?
Suomalainen mediataide esittäytyy tänä vuonna näkyvästi Pariisissa – Suomen Ranskan instituutin organisoimaPrintemps (im)médiat-tapahtuma järjestetään osana100% Finlande-hanketta ja sisältää runsaan ohjelman yksittäisiltä taiteilijoita ja alan organisaatioilta.
Kiasma-teatterissatorstaina 3.4. klo 18-20järjestetään Printemps (im)médiat -tapahtuman keskustelutilaisuus, joka pohtii mediataiteen nykyisiä ilmenemismuotoja sekä tulevaisuuden haasteita. Alan järjestäytyminen alkoi MUU ry:n perustamisen yhteydessä 20 vuotta sitten, ja sen jälkeen...

The Camera Lucida by Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand (RU/NL) is a reminder of the days when the latest innovations of science were presented to people by nomadic gypsies, in a form of mysterious theatre. Evelina and Dmitry are the ceremony masters of this artwork, guiding the audience in a completely dark room to show them a spectacular new discovery in physics.
Created in collaboration with scientific laboratories in Japan, Germany, Belgium, Russia and United States, the Camera Lucida (lucid or light chamber) installation allows one to directly convert sound waves into light by...

Videoblast! is a monthly showcase of Finnish VJ culture, a get-together for local VJs and other folks interested in live video performance. The first Videoblast! features special guest from Barcelona: Mia Mäkelä aka SOLU, who has over the past years been actively contributing to the international VJ / live cinema scene as an artist, workshop organiser and writer.
www.vjfinland.fi : www.solu.org : www.mbar.fi
* 19.00-21:00
Presentations and discussion: Introduction to VJ Finland and Videoblast! evenings & upcoming Pixelache Festival, Live cinema projects from Mia Mäkelä and...

Electronics crafts day with cheap components and soldering. We'll build an "analog synthesiser" with just a few parts and take a peek inside electronic toy instruments to make some noise out of them. You don't need prior experience on electronics but it would be useful. You can bring your own small electronic toy instrument if you want to see it's dark side, but email some info on it before the workshop.
The workshop will be held by designer and artist Tuomo Tammenpää. It is open to anyone. No background in electronics is required. The participation is free, possible material costs.

The third edition of Dorkbot Helsinki will feature presentations and acts by the Association of Experimental Electronics (FI), Exo (FI) and our special feature Defektro (Japan/Australia).
Dorkbot was first organized in NYC in 2000 as a monthly gathering of artists, scientists and anyone else “doing strange things with electricity”. Later on, other people realized that their home city was in dire need of such a meeting, and dorkbot started to spread to other cities in different parts of the world (www.dorkbot.org)...
Date & time: 2 November 2007, 18.00-01.00
Place: Koko-teatteri / ...