Member activity : Mari Keski-Korsu

Spring Celebration is reached my mailbox - by Printroom in Rotterdam and together with Contemporary Wild! #sauna…
RT @poemproducer: #Helsinki this Friday, will be playing live with bio modular synthesizer CELLF [cultured human cells with IPs cell techno…
Even I don't have the copy yet! Wish to see it soon!
RT @poemproducer: AGF: plotting my interaction with bio modular synthesizer CELLF [cultured human cells with IPs cell technology to neural…
Osallistuin Taide ruokkii tulevaisuutta -seminaariin Seinäjoella viime marraskuussa. Semmasta on varsin kattava dok…
Kiitos kaikille Akantupakille osallistuneille 💚 #turuntaidehalli #maanoikeus
RT @bioartsociety: #blog #archive Reciprocal Sensing (Insensible Sensibilities) #field_notes hosted by @Untitledbodies with @HeatherABarnet…
RT @MaaritLaihonen: Tuu huomenna kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan, millaista on tehdä tutkimusta, taidetta, opetusta ja aktivismia naisena ja fe…
RT @sundermanbegins: Learning from Field Noters in Finland with @bioartsociety has been a helluva experience. The Ekphrastic Review publish…
Merry CRISPR II: Where are the colonies? @bioartsociety
@Samir_Bhowmik @KoneenSaatio @aaltomedialab @AaltoUniversity @amt_office Congratulations!!!
Yhteisötaidetta Kaarelasta -näyttelyn avajaiset 5.12.2018 klo 16-18 Kanneltalossa. 💚 #lähirohtola #taidekehä…
@poemproducer Yeah, empathy is not fluffy - it's fierce and has agency!
RT @poemproducer: balancing my empathy levels, reading a thread by mixed arab tweeps, envying merkel/macron “unis” gesture, feeling femen f…
Solu! With @Untitledbodies and Ava Greyson @bioartsociety #solu
RT @indigenous_UH: Kuvataiteilija Outi Pieski ja ohjaaja Pauliina Feodoroff keskustelevat taiteella vaikuttamisen mahdollisuuksista ja akti…
Ympäristökannanottoja ja osallistamista: Art Ii Biennaali 2018 #beattothebalance
@Mikkoli Loistava ehdotus! Olen usein miettinyt tälle sukupuoletonta synonyymiä, tää on hyvä!
Was a great pleasure to contribute to this fine project with my text inspired by Patricia Hill Collins's 'Black Fem…
RT @poemproducer: if you need some calm monday morning sound motivation… just uploaded some from last weeks #fieldnotes #ecologyofsenses to…
Just had a great sauna reading group @bioartsociety by artist @Barry_Sykes! Thank you Yvonne Bilimore for choosing…
Kun ilmasto lämpenee, arktiset kasvit venyvät korkeammiksi – "Sille ei oikein löydy muita selityksiä"
RT @poemproducer: i love gifs, here @Avnerus mesh his soft robotics with sauna leaves somehow on the ground for #ecologyofsenses extending…
RT @poemproducer: thank u @bioartsociety & @Untitledbodies for facilitating love & exploration! here my herd pretty much all over me, u can…
RT @poemproducer: rovijoki #ecologyofsenses #fieldnotes S C R E A M S C O R E
RT @HeatherABarnett: The herd and the drone. After filming an exploratory navigation experiment on the col of Saana, Kilpisjärvi. #Recipro…
RT @poemproducer: my slime mushroom growing, last days at #fieldnotes #ecologyofsenses w @bioartsociety currently working on sauna techno,…
@Untitledbodies @taiketweet Congrats! Super!