Mari Keski-Korsu @real_mkk
Years as member:
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Mari Keski-Korsu (mkk) is an transdisciplinary artist. She explores how ecological and socio-economical changes manifest in everyday life. How macrocosm becomes microcosm and visa versa? Mainly, the starting point is in location, a place and relations to it and collaborations with different kinds of communities, individuals and species. Keski-Korsu’s practice can be for example interventions, documentary, performance, virtual worlds and installations. She is interested in relations in between art, activism, politics and science. The works has been exhibited in Europe and in several other countries around the world. She collaborates with artist groups, researchers as well as organises and curates different types of projects.
Latest posts by Mari Keski-Korsu:
06 October 2016 17:03

NEMO: Emotion Hack Day Suomen käsityön museo, Kauppakatu 25 Työpaja la 15.10. klo 11:30-17:00 Emotion Hack Dayssa selvitetään, miten teknologiaan voidaan luoda lisää empatian mahdollistavia kerroksia. Kyseessä on käytännönläheinen, avoin työpaja, johon ei tarvita aiempaa kokemusta mistään...
06 October 2016 16:24

Coral Empathy Device -video by Kat Austen is something beautifulto share after the Interfaces for Empathy where it wasn't unfortunately presented as planned in Keinutuoli Korner open programme. Please view it here Kat Austen describes her work like this: We have a lot...
04 October 2016 15:30

Pixelache Festival 2016 – 'Interfaces for Empathy' is visiting Jyväskylä 14.-16.10. 'Interfaces for Empathy' brings to Jyväskylä four programme parts that were part of the festival which happened in Helsinki last month. The festival explored possibilites of more empathic relationship towards...
23 September 2016 16:40

Maiccu Kostiainen is a Finnish animal communicator who also gives lectures and courses about intuitive inter-species communication. Her biggest passion is to bring the messages from the other species for people and to give a voice to those who don’t speak the language of humans.The Power of...