This online study group relates to practices, projects and communities engaged with the creation of digital tools and protocols that facilitate autonomous user control over the data that constitutes digital identity and digital behaviour, and the exploration of the interfaces between public / private, personal / social and real / virtual. We will look at a range of existing and planned projects, and come to an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings and practical possibilities. This theme was proposed by Owen Kelly (Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Aalto University Art Education).

In the 7th Virtuality Grand Tour Stop (and last beforeCamp Pixelache Virtuality gatheringon 11.5.) we are going to play with a toolkit from Google: theG+ Hangout, led byOwen Kelly. Hangout allow to to screenshare, to coordinate Slideshare and YouTube and play group games. We will be looking at the possible value of G+ Hangouts as a pop-up learning resource, with a view to its use at Camp Pixelache and beyond. At first glance it seems much better than Skype or Twitvisio, but to find out if this is actually true or not we need a test team willing to have fun trying to bend it to our...

The 6th Stop of Virtuality Grand tour isPegman går i Rosengård - Google walk in virtual Malmö, taking place onTuesday 17.4. at 18.00 EEST/+2 GMT.
ArtistMikko Lipiäineninvites you to a dérive, an unplanned psychogeocraphical journey in the online media landscape of Malmö’s city district Rosengård, which have served as an example of failed multiculturalism for international audience ever since Fox News reportage of its muslim immigrants went viral 2005. As both analytical and playful, dérive can be useful for study effects of the environment on the emotions and behavior of individuals and...

The 5th stop on theVirtuality Grand Tour* is Tues. 20.3. at 18.00 EEST / +2 GMT.
Jon Paludan, artist-gamer from Copenhagen, invites us to anopen google spreadsheet, as a free game world. Here you can make your own area the way you want, although anybody can also change this public space. When you have to make all from scratch, it becomes clear that online culture is both open and closed, private and public. Such a space could give a clue on what kind of control an open space needs to work, what do we want to play.
Again the event will last for 1 hr, and we begin in ourTwitvisio...

The 4th stop on the Virtuality Grand Tour* is upcoming tomorrow (!)Tues. 13.3. at 18.00 EEST / +2 GMT.
This time our host and tour guide isSari TM Kivinen, a visual artist working mainly with text, performance, and video, who is interested in the relation between (auto)biography, fiction and identity construction. She will present to us an Australian mining town calledMount Isaonline via various links and google maps. She has never physically been there, but her research has revealed that in the early to mid 1900s a high percentage of the town were Finnish immigrants, and Finns had a big...