In 2012, the Trashlab/Renewable Festivals theme began. This cluster of learning opportunities related to sustainable, low-carbon, renewable use and decentralised production of do-it-ourselves energy. Included for exploration are waste materials, biomass, kinetic-mechanic, solar & wind sources for electricity, as well as alternative human sustenance in our cultural production models, considering change holistically. This theme was proposed by Antti Ahonen (Pixelache member & Koelse.org).
In 2013, this project evolved into Trashlab, which has been a central project of Pixelache since then.
Trashlab monthly events explore experimental art-design-technology practice between hacker and maker cultures, in the context of re/up-cycling and the increased availability of new fabrication tools. Trashlab’s objective is to build up a community of people (artists, designers, hackers, makers, re/up-cyclers, activists) who are concerned with material and electronic waste in contemporary society, and tackle this problem with creative and tangential approaches.
On a monthly basis a multifaceted set of groups (Koelse, Kokomys, local Helsinki makers initiating the process) will bring their practice to Aalto Media Factory, and other locations, Polymer Cultural Factory (Tallinn), Wasteland Festival (Kouvola) over the year. They (and Pixelversity) aim to encourage a peer-based learning environment related to hacking electronics, appropriate technology for renewable energy production/usage, digital fabrication and re/up-cycling materials.
Aalto Media Factory supported the initiative in 2012 with inkind use of venue and staff support, and support for the ‘Talking Trash’ lecture series detailed below. Furthermore, Trashlab was one of Pixelache Helsinki’s contributions to Alternative Design Capital 2012.
‘Talking Trash(lab)’ Lectures
A lecture series called ‘Talking Trash(lab) will be organised to complement, which invites local, regional and European guests to speak on related topics, as a presentation on Friday early evening before each Trashlab workshop. Keywords: trash, waste, recycling, upcycling, electronics, digital fabrication, social-interface, community development, peer-produced documentation. Confirmed lecturers’ biographies will be added in the near future.
Each lecture will be documented as a video stream live, and available for future viewing.
In addition, ‘Light is History’ project by co-applicants Karthikeya Acharya and Samir Bhowmik (see ‘Creative Neighbourhood Skills’ theme) will be followed as case-example throughout the year for the overlaps fostered by Trashlab.
The ‘Talking Trash(lab)’ lectures series and support for ‘Light is History’ project is funded by Aalto Media Factory project grant.
Schedule in 2012
(Non-bolded text below to be confirmed. Further location info, please scroll to bottom of page)
14.01. from 13.00-16.00: Tietotalkoot
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
17.02. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by Antti Ahonen (Koelse, FI)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Blog post & Facebook event & Video-stream & Slides [1.3mb PDF]
18.02. from 13.00-16.00: Tietotalkoot
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
13-22.03.: Trashlab Tallinn Workshop “Down and Dirty in Polymer”, ending with REUSE Exhibition opening
Culture Factory Polymer, Ülase 16/Madara 22, Tallinn.
>> Blog post & photos here + here
15.03. from 18.00-20.00: Lecture by Harmen Zijp & Diana Wildschut (de Spullenmannen, NL)
Von Krahl Theatre, Rataskaevu 10, Tallinn.
>> Blog post & Facebook event
16.03. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by Harmen Zijp & Diana Wildschut (de Spullenmannen, NL)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Facebook event & Slides [9.3mb PDF]
19.3. from 18.00-20.00: Fake It Til You Make It workshop by Justin Tyler (Polymer, EE)
Ptarmigan, Toom-Kooli 13, Tallinn.
>> Blog post
13.04. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by Ernest Truely (Polymer / Baltic Film & Media School, EE)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Blog post & Facebook event & Video-stream
14.04. from 13.00-19.00: Trashlab/Fablab Workshop
Fab Lab, Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
05.05. from 13.00-19.00: Trashlab/Fablab Workshop
Fab Lab, Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
10.05. from 18.00-20.00: Lecture by Jennifer Gabrys (Goldsmiths Uni., UK)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Blog post & Facebook event & Video-stream
12.05. from 12.00-20.00: Demo-stall by Kulturlabor Triar & Error (Berlin, DE)
Arbis Education Centre, Dagmarinkatu, Helsinki.
>> Blog post
07.06. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by Peter Kuria Githinji (SHALIN Helsinki ry, FI)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Blog post & Facebook event & Video-stream
20-22.07. from ??.00-??.00: Renewable Festivals’ Gathering
Wasteland Festival, Kouvola.
>> Blog-post & Video-clip
30.08. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by James Wallbank (Access Space, UK)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Blog-post & Facebook event & Video-stream
31.08. from 16.00-18.00: Trashlab expedition to electric & electronic waste sorting station
Sortti Station, Betonitie 3, Konala, Helsinki.
>> Blog-post
04.10. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by Maria Törn (Aalto Lahti Centre, FI)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Blog-post & Facebook event & Video-stream & Slides [6.2mb PDF]
18.10. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by Reet Aus (Reet Aus Design, EE)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Blog-post & Facebook event & Video-stream & Slides [1.4mb PDF]
20-21.10. from 11.00-18.00: Trashlab contribution to Wärk Festival
Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki.
>> Blog-post
15.11. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by Cindy Kohtala (CS/Aalto Design, FI)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
>> Blog-post & Facebook event & Video-stream & Slides [11mb PDF]
25.11.-1.12. from 17.00-19.00: Light is History community art space by Karthikeya Acharya & Samir Bhowmik
Hakaniementori, Helsinki.
>> Blog post
13.12. from 17.30-19.30: Lecture by Karthikeya Acharya & Samir Bhowmik (Aalto Design/Media, FI)
Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki.
15.12. from 18.00-20.00: Repair Cafe, led by Justin Tyler Tate
Pixelache office, Kaasutehtaankatu 1, Rakennus/Building 7
Andrew Paterson (Pixelache, FI): andrew [-at-] pixelache.ac
Antti Ahonen (Koelse/Pixelache, FI): aahonen [-at-] gmail.com
Mikko Laajola (Pixelache/Kokomys, FI): mikko.laajola [-at-] gmail.com
Sara Milazzo (Pixelache/Koelse/Wasteland Festival, FI): pajazzo [-at-] gmail.com
Anu Määttä (Aalto Media Factory, FI): anu.maatta [-at-] aalto.fi
Ernest Truely (Culture Factory Polymer, EE): ernesttruely [-at-] yahoo.com
Cindy Kohtala (Aalto Design, FI): cindy.kohtala [-at-] aalto.fi
Aalto Media Factory: Hämeentie 135 A (Arabiakeskus entrance), Arabia, Helsinki, Finland. Map.
Polymer Cultural Factory: Ülase 16/Madara 22, 10613, Tallinn, Estonia. Map.
Arbis Education Centre: Address, Helsinki, Finland. Map.
Wasteland Festival: Address, Kouvola, Finland. Map.

Join us in person via zoom or watch through one of our several streaming platforms where you can participate through the chat.
In this online TrashLab session, we will carry out the usual repairing, thinkering, fixing, breaking, up-cycling and reusing of our broken things!
A (semi-) expert team of fixers and avid thinkerers will be at your disposal and ready to help you with your broken stuff, but self-reliance and experimentation is encouraged!
Through peer support, we will work together to give new life to household items and save them...

OnSaturday 15th December from 18.00-20.00takes place the first 'Repair Cafe' -type event at Pixelache's new Suvilahti office. Initiated byPäivi Raivio, the event responds to the broken things we would like fixed and working again.
She invitedJustin Tyler Tate, artist-maker from Tallinn to come and assist with his technical fixing skills. Other skilled people are welcome to come and help too. This spontaneously-organised event follows on in the theme of this year'sTrashlabevents, and the inauguralWärk Festival. If it proves enjoyable and useful, we may even do it again!
The occasion also...

In this concluding lecture of theTalking Trash(lab)lecture series thisThursday 13.12. at 17.30, Karthikeya and Samir will be sharing their story of their recently completedLight is Historyproject at Hakaniementori. Venue for lecture is, as previously, atAalto Media Factory.
The project engaged with sixteen families in and around the Kallio neighborhood. In this process it asked them to share their daily energy use information through an online portal and then also documented accounts of the participants of a relationship with an electrical artifact from their home. Using this material and...

Light is Historyis a community-based energy art space. It is an initiative to engage citizens with issues of community well being and energy consumption in daily living through art and research. The project designed and implemented byKarthikeya Acharya&Samir Bhowmikaims for creating a community art installation using domestic electrical artifacts from the participants’ homes to be housed within custom made bright light therapy lamps. This project is planned during the autumnal month of November 2012, providing collective well being in the public space in the Kallio neighbourhood in...

The upcoming Talking Trash(lab) lecture in November is byCindy Kohtala(Aalto ARTS Design) onThursday 15.11. from 17.30-19.00atAalto Media Factory.
Titled 'Sustainable Maker Culture: Angels and Demons', Kohtala introduces her talk as following: "The Helsinki maker scene is small and fragmented but extremely active. Like everywhere, Finnish actors have different conceptions of what the Maker Movement actually is, and everyone brings in their own practices, motivations, and devils. In my talk I will present the conversations makers are having about fabricating, consuming, producing, making,...