Light is History is a community-based energy art space. It is an initiative to engage citizens with issues of community well being and energy consumption in daily living through art and research. The project designed and implemented by Karthikeya Acharya & Samir Bhowmik aims for creating a community art installation using domestic electrical artifacts from the participants’ homes to be housed within custom made bright light therapy lamps. This project is planned during the autumnal month of November 2012, providing collective well being in the public space in the Kallio neighbourhood in Helsinki, Finland.
Acharya & Bhowmik have the permission to put up the installation during the last week of this month (25th Nov-1st Dec) at Hakaniementori (Hakaniemi Market Square). The daily engagement that will take place in the public space with the installation will be treated as daily dialogues. The actual lights come on between 17.00-19.00 every evening when coffee and/or glöggi will be served. Welcome to visit and learn more from the webpages or following Facebook group.
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Light is Historyis a community-based energy art space. It is an initiative to engage citizens with issues of community well being and energy consumption in daily living through art and research. The project designed and implemented byKarthikeya Acharya&Samir Bhowmikaims for creating a community art installation using domestic electrical artifacts from the participants’ homes to be housed within custom made bright light therapy lamps. This project is planned during the autumnal month of November 2012, providing collective well being in the public space in the Kallio neighbourhood in...