During her recent residency at Pixelache Hesinki, Catherine Lenoble gave a presentation entitled ‘Hack for Culture’, sharing her experience of informal learning within the field of art & technology, based on the LABtoLAB experiment. LABtoLAB, set up by 4 European new media organizations, Constant (Brussels, Belgium), Kitchen Budapest (Budapest, Hungary), Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain) and PiNG (Nantes, France), is a nomadic university project exploring the role of the lab as a space for collaborative learning and knowledge exchange, and examining the possibilities of life-long learning in the context of the lab.
From 2009 to 2011, meetings, workshops and seminars took place in Budapest, Madrid, Brussels and Nantes. Each encounter opened up to a wider community of labs and individuals, and extended beyond European borders. The process was documented through a documentary film, which was shown during Catherine’s presentation. If you missed the presentation, you can watch the documentary Lab to Lab by Vincent Pouplard in vimeo.
>>> Watch the film
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