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Series of Open Lectures on Art & Life Manipulation
tiistai 25. syyskuuta 2012,
Ulla Taipale
BiofiliA – Base for Biological Arts at Aalto University
Series of open lectures from 3rd October – 12th December, 2012 (see program below)
An intriguing course in biological arts practices and theory, will start in Future Art Base / Biological Arts at Aalto University next Wed, 3rd October, 2012. The course is lead by artist and researcher, Dr. Ionat Zurr from SymbioticA, the Centre for Excellence in Biological Arts in Western Australia. It is a unique opportunity to attend to a weekly series of lectures about biological arts in Finland.
These lectures will give an introduction to issues, concepts and techniques relating to contemporary arts practices dealing with the manipulation of living biological systems. Emphasis is placed on developing critical thought, ethical issues and cross-disciplinary experimentation in art (art/science collaborations, art as research). The lectures are open for all publics, while the related laboratory hands-on sessions will be given for a transdisciplinary group of students with arts, design, engineering and biosciences backgrounds.
The focus is on recent advances in the Life Sciences and cultural issues such as the instrumentalisation of life, life as engineering, Genohype, the Animal as the new Other, and design for future lives in the laboratory and/or the backyard. The social implications of these new potentials will also be discussed.
A great diversity of commentary is encouraged. The combination of in-depth study and living art analysis should make this an intriguing course for anyone who is generally curious about life.
Image: Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr: Victimless Leather (2004). Hosted by SymbioticA, The University of Western Australia
BioifiliA Open Lectures Program 2012 (changes are possible)
Address: Espoo, Otaniemi, Otakaari 7, School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC), lecture room 432
How to get there: Bus number 102 from Kamppi.
Wed 3rd October, 11-13 hours / Introduction to the field of Biological Arts / Dr. Ionat Zurr & Oron Catts
Wed 10th October, 11-12 hours / The role of the Artist/Designer in society / Dr. Ionat Zurr
Tue 16th October, 11-12 hours / DNA and Transgenic Art / Dr. Ionat Zurr
Wed 24th October, 11-12 hours / Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering – cultural perspectives / Oron Catts
Tue 30st October, 11-12 hours / The Semi-Livings / Dr. Ionat Zurr
Wed 7th November, 11-12 hours / In Vitro Meat / Oron Catts
Mon 12th November, 13-16 hours /Presentations of prototypes by students groups and discussion
-Visiting Lecturer :
Wed 21st November, 11-12 hours /Biodesign / Dr. Orkan Telhan (TBC) Assistant Professor of Fine Arts; Emerging Design Practices Fine Arts, The University of Pennsylvania / MIT, USA
-Lecture :
Wed 28th November, 11-12 hours /Animals and Art / Dr. Ionat Zurr
-Visiting lecturer:
Wed 5th December, 11-12 hours / 3D bioprinting and more / Corrie Van Sice (TBC)
-Student Project presentation + Folio submission
Wed 12th December, 11-12 / 13-16 hours
Series of open lectures from 3rd October – 12th December, 2012 (see program below)
An intriguing course in biological arts practices and theory, will start in Future Art Base / Biological Arts at Aalto University next Wed, 3rd October, 2012. The course is lead by artist and researcher, Dr. Ionat Zurr from SymbioticA, the Centre for Excellence in Biological Arts in Western Australia. It is a unique opportunity to attend to a weekly series of lectures about biological arts in Finland.
These lectures will give an introduction to issues, concepts and techniques relating to contemporary arts practices dealing with the manipulation of living biological systems. Emphasis is placed on developing critical thought, ethical issues and cross-disciplinary experimentation in art (art/science collaborations, art as research). The lectures are open for all publics, while the related laboratory hands-on sessions will be given for a transdisciplinary group of students with arts, design, engineering and biosciences backgrounds.
The focus is on recent advances in the Life Sciences and cultural issues such as the instrumentalisation of life, life as engineering, Genohype, the Animal as the new Other, and design for future lives in the laboratory and/or the backyard. The social implications of these new potentials will also be discussed.
A great diversity of commentary is encouraged. The combination of in-depth study and living art analysis should make this an intriguing course for anyone who is generally curious about life.
Image: Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr: Victimless Leather (2004). Hosted by SymbioticA, The University of Western Australia
BioifiliA Open Lectures Program 2012 (changes are possible)
Address: Espoo, Otaniemi, Otakaari 7, School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC), lecture room 432
How to get there: Bus number 102 from Kamppi.
Wed 3rd October, 11-13 hours / Introduction to the field of Biological Arts / Dr. Ionat Zurr & Oron Catts
Wed 10th October, 11-12 hours / The role of the Artist/Designer in society / Dr. Ionat Zurr
Tue 16th October, 11-12 hours / DNA and Transgenic Art / Dr. Ionat Zurr
Wed 24th October, 11-12 hours / Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering – cultural perspectives / Oron Catts
Tue 30st October, 11-12 hours / The Semi-Livings / Dr. Ionat Zurr
Wed 7th November, 11-12 hours / In Vitro Meat / Oron Catts
Mon 12th November, 13-16 hours /Presentations of prototypes by students groups and discussion
-Visiting Lecturer :
Wed 21st November, 11-12 hours /Biodesign / Dr. Orkan Telhan (TBC) Assistant Professor of Fine Arts; Emerging Design Practices Fine Arts, The University of Pennsylvania / MIT, USA
-Lecture :
Wed 28th November, 11-12 hours /Animals and Art / Dr. Ionat Zurr
-Visiting lecturer:
Wed 5th December, 11-12 hours / 3D bioprinting and more / Corrie Van Sice (TBC)
-Student Project presentation + Folio submission
Wed 12th December, 11-12 / 13-16 hours