Robots swarms, mushrooms and fablabs...
maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2011,
Juha Huuskonen
Photo: ZOE by Niki Passath
The Camp Pixelache exhibition/lab programme is now almost complete! A couple of more additions might still come up during the next days...
Currently confirmed projects are:
* RIXC: Renewable Network Interface
* groWorld Bazaar: Draw a plant spirit – game character design/permaculture workshop
* Fungifiction #02: Mushroom Research Center Suomenlinna Island with mushROOM [prototype for a DIY mushroom cultivation cell]
* Art meets energy consumption: Power Flower by Andy Best & Valo-loinen by Maria Duncker & KOELSE
* Le Mag/Lab
* TIMELAB: The Mini-CNC kit
* Niki Passath: ZOE robot swarm
* Experimental Project in Computational Photography
* PIKSEL: PikselSavers
* Kitchen Budapest: SubMap
* Deptford TV project
More information at Camp Pixelache wiki - wiki.pixelache.ac/camp11/home
The Camp Pixelache exhibition/lab programme is now almost complete! A couple of more additions might still come up during the next days...
Currently confirmed projects are:
* RIXC: Renewable Network Interface
* groWorld Bazaar: Draw a plant spirit – game character design/permaculture workshop
* Fungifiction #02: Mushroom Research Center Suomenlinna Island with mushROOM [prototype for a DIY mushroom cultivation cell]
* Art meets energy consumption: Power Flower by Andy Best & Valo-loinen by Maria Duncker & KOELSE
* Le Mag/Lab
* TIMELAB: The Mini-CNC kit
* Niki Passath: ZOE robot swarm
* Experimental Project in Computational Photography
* PIKSEL: PikselSavers
* Kitchen Budapest: SubMap
* Deptford TV project
More information at Camp Pixelache wiki - wiki.pixelache.ac/camp11/home