Camp Pixelache is an informal one-day event for Pixelache participants to meet up and share knowledge. The programme of presentations and discussion will be organised in BarCamp style at the start of the day, when everyone arrives at the venue. We encourage each participant to be prepared to give a presentation or host a discussion.
Camp Pixelache also features openings of two exhibitions (How to make a dishwasher & chmod +x art) and an extensive selection of artworks and experimental design projects by Pixelache participants.
Camp Pixelache will take place on Friday 26 March at Kerava Art Museum. The museum is located a 30 min train ride away from Helsinki centre. (You have to get off on Savio station, turn right in the underground and follow the pink signs of Keravan Taidemuseo.)
The BarCamp format
The programme of discussions will not be planned in advance - it will be put together when all the participants arrive in Kerava Art Museum in the morning of Friday 26 March. We will use a format similar to BarCamp/ OST (Open Space Technology) to figure out the day's programme.
is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment.
It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from participants who are the main actors of the event.
Attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one, or otherwise volunteer / contribute in some way to support the event. All presentations are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall. The people present at the event will select the demos or presentations they want to see.
Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present.
Each participant can propose a topic for a discussion or presentation. These are placed in a grid that contains approximately 30 slots. We have 5 larger rooms and several smaller ones we can use for discussions and the day is divided into 4 time slots, each 1 hour long. Topics that are very similar will be combined together. It will also possible to modify the grid during the day if necessary. Several facilitators will be available to help to make the process run smoothly throughout the day.
Please suggest topics for presentations and/or discussions below! (Register yourself in this wiki and click 'Edit this page')
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M.A.R.I.N project presentation - M.A.R.I.N. is a networked residency and research initiative, integrating artistic and scientific research on ecology of the marine and cultural ecosystems. For the first three years M.A.R.I.N.’s operational focus is a mobile residency program set on a catamaran sail boat, redesigned and equipped to be a sustainable environment for transdisciplinary research in arts, sciences and technology.
Art and Renewable Energy Network meeting - is new network initiative (launched in 2009/2010 in a result of series of events, taking place in Latvia and other Baltic, Nordic countries, and in Caucasus region) that organizes meetings, events and hosts a mailinglist (http://base.x-i.net/mailman/listinfo/renewable) - interdisciplinary forum for sharing ideas and creative explorations that deal with renewable energy resources, alternative infrastructure design, creative and ecological use of new (information, energy and bio) technologies, and other sustainability issues.
Niko Punin (FI) Letsgrowit - Letsgrowit is an open horticultural crowd research concept. It provides a platform, tools and instructions for empirical research of light spectrum, intensity and direction optimization per plant species. It aims to combine valuable research and hobby, so that even an inexperienced individual with enough interest in horticulture can do valuable research work. Research grows are conducted using LED lighting modules designed specifically for the purpose. The PCB files for the modules will be made available to the public, so in theory anyone can make them themselves. Letsgrowit will encourage research by providing the needed components at a discount to those members who are contributing to the common pool of knowledge.
Propose a presentation or topic!
Open Hardware demo sessions and discussions
Tuomo Tammenpää & Jürgen Neumann - OHANDA (Open Hardware and Design Alliance) is an initiative to foster sustainable sharing of open source hardware. It was started at the GOSH! Grounding Open Source Hardware summit at the Banff Centre in July 2009, and one of the first goals of the project is to build a repository for open hardware design which includes a certification model and a registration service.
Jürgen Neumann, freifunk.net - Open Hardware is “en vogue”. More and more developers and even companies are starting to shift towards open source hardware, even though copy left licenses can only be used for the design artefacts, but not yet be applied to the devices themselves. Also the meaning of open hardware is not completely defined, yet. I want to introduce some of these projects and discuss the differences between “hacker friendly”, “open hardware” and “open cores/chips”.
Karsten Gebbert, Dave Griffiths, Aymeric Mansoux, Gabor Papp - Outcome of the Puredyne sprint hosted by Pixelache and HIAP on the Suomenlinna Island. Puredyne is a liveUSB GNU/Linux distribution aimed at creative people, looking for tools outside the standard. It provides the best experimental creative applications alongside a solid set of graphic, audio and video tools in a fast, minimal package. For everything from sound art to innovative filmmaking. For three days, dev from Puredyne and Fluxus have worked to develop further the system.
Propose a presentation or topic!
Michael Smyth (UK), http://www.michael-smyth.co.uk - Ingi Helgason (UK) http://complexpleasures.wordpress.com/about - Transville is a project proposal that will adopt a critical design approach to address questions of: population migration; pervasive urban technologies; transience & identity. http://transville.wordpress.com/about
Vytautas Michelkevicius (Lithuania), http://www.mene.cc - http://www.balsas.cc - http://www.3xpozicija.lt. Event “Inter-format” is a project looking for partners and participants. The first event of the network is planned to happen in 2011 in Vilnius. It is going to be Baltic Region Symposium “Inter-format” which has the goal to gather artists, curators, researchers and practitioners to look for new forms of art re/presentation and re/creation. It is going to be a 24h performance with constantly running lectures, discussions, presentations, coffee/national herbal tea drinking circles, dinner with conceptual sentiments (to everybody’s health), eco-minimal-media events, audio-foyer, digital baroque screenings, eco-party, audiovisual sightseeing, etc. More at http://www.mene.cc/interformatas/
Jodi Rose (Berlin/bridges everywhere), 'Welcome to Bridgeland' Presentation, critique and development on nomadic interconnected post-conceptual art practice (or: you can't play a symphony on your own) discussing strategies to create and link urban infrastructure; networks; site-specific interventions; resonance; vibrations and human presence in the meta-physical meta-nation 'Bridgeland'http://www.bridgeland.be & tracing transcultural interdisciplinary activities with partners Transcultures (Mons Belgium); IRZU (Ljubljana Slovenia); CCA (Glasgow UK); Kitchen Budapest; Pixelache Network & Migrating Art Academies (Vilnius/Berlin)http://www.transcultures.be/
Propose a presentation or topic!
Shawn Pinchbeck (Canada), http://www.spinchbeck.com - A presentation and discussion about my work with interactive dance and sound performances with the Estonian dance company Fine 5 Dance Theatre and the considerations using a video camera interface for motion capture for these types of projects.
Claude Heiland-Allen (reaction-diffusion explorer) http://rdex.goto10.org -r dex-client is an installation that explores in an autonomous hyperspace mathematical model, searching for interesting emergent behaviour (life-alike, alife). When rdex-client finds interesting behaviour, it uploads a snapshot to rdex-server along with the results of a few image analysis algorithms. rdex-server provides an interface to browse this collection by similarity to a chosen target or focus point.
Dan Stowell - “cyber-beatboxing and machine listening” Dan Stowell combines open-source music software with machine-learning techniques to control synthesisers by voice. You might even get to look down his throat.
Dave Griffiths and Gabor Papp - Introducing fluxus: from hack pact to live coding. Fluxus is a 3D game environment that allows you to create sounds, worlds and animations by means of improvised livecoding. We discuss hack pacts, gamepad livecoding and why algorithms are harder to notice than chainsaws.
Helsinki Hacklab, http://www.hacklab.fi/ - Demonstration and concert with self made instruments contsructed from recycled parts.
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Other proposed presentations:
- Marko Alastalo (FI), http://www.brainwavemusic.org
Brainwave Music Lab: 'Performative Experiments on Human Test Subjects' is an interactive performance installation that combines digital media with body interactions.
- Kristin Bergaust and Alexis Parra (Norway/Cuba), http://www.productframes.org
We want to present our plans for a still very young project in the ship MS INNVIK in Oslo. The ship is located at the heart of the largest urban development project in Norwegian history, adjacent to the already famous opera house by Snøhetta architects.
- Juha Hytönen (FI), http://www.soffa.tv
We could give a presentation and host discussion / workshop about setting up your own live music oriented web tv station. Why do it yourself? How does positioning to activism and ug-music affect the project?
- Lisa Erdman (FI/USA) http://lisaerdman.com
I would like to present a discussion about “Using Conceptual Art to Save the World”. The discussion is based on my current research at Aalto University that uses fictitious, satirical medical advertising as a tool to generate public dialogue about contemporary social and political issues. Examples of conceptual art “products” in development: Consumerin®, a new medication that treats symptoms of economic recession by stimulating consumer behavior; and the Worry Machine, a device that collects people's worries and transforms this source of human anxiety into a sustainable energy source for cities: http://poriliveartgenerator.blogspot.com/
- Timo Toots (EE), http://timo.dart.ee/works/autahvel/
Personal tour of my interactive installation Autahvel.
- Propose more presentation topics!
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