In 2010, Pixelache and curator Susanne Jaschko invited UK artist Christian Nold to develop a project for Helsinki. Autopsy of an Island Currency describes and reflects on the two-and-half year process of this artistic research project, which attempted to create an experimental local currency for the small island of Suomenlinna in Helsinki. The book describes the surprising challenges faced by the project from multiple points of view. It explores the issue of participatory practices and money as a social & material medium through a number of commissioned essays by theoreticians and practitioners. The book is aimed at people who work at the intersection of art, research and social action and should be particularly useful for those working on alternative money models and projects.
Welcome to the book launch #2 taking place at Kaupunkiverstas on 21.11 from 17.00 onwards, with the participation of Pekko Koskinen & Antti Jauhiainen, both contributors of the book.
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