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Urban Activism in Post- Socialist Cities Workshop in Tallinn, 14-20th June
21 February 2012,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
Linnalabor invites you to an international workshop taking place 14 – 20 June 2012 in Tallinn, Estonia. The workshop is part of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) Grundtvig and it is organized by Linnalabor (Estonian Urban Lab).
You need to apply for the workshop, deadline is now past (Wednesday 29.2.).
The workshop explores questions and issues of urban activism in post-socialist context, bringing together different people from all over Europe and sharing ideas on how to enliven and make difference in the public space. During one week the participants study city activism examples in Tallinn, Estonia, Europe and the whole world and elaborate new methods and tools for realizing ongoing events and interventions.
The workshop is followed by the 22nd INURA (International Network for Urban Research and Action) conference in 17-24 June. The workshop participants have the possibility to participate in some of the conference events.
More info can be found on workshop blog.
You need to apply for the workshop, deadline is now past (Wednesday 29.2.).
The workshop explores questions and issues of urban activism in post-socialist context, bringing together different people from all over Europe and sharing ideas on how to enliven and make difference in the public space. During one week the participants study city activism examples in Tallinn, Estonia, Europe and the whole world and elaborate new methods and tools for realizing ongoing events and interventions.
The workshop is followed by the 22nd INURA (International Network for Urban Research and Action) conference in 17-24 June. The workshop participants have the possibility to participate in some of the conference events.
More info can be found on workshop blog.