Pixelache Helsinki feedback…
03 April 2007,
Jon Irigoyen

Thanks to all the Pixelache 2007 Helsinki participants!
We would love to get some feedback from you.... so please do one or more of the following:
1) Give feedback as comments to this message
2) Send an e-mail to office {{ at }} pixelache.ac and let us know
* What were the most interesting/inspiring things in Pixelache 2007 Helsinki?
* What things could be improved?
* Other general comments?
* Ideas for future Pixelache events!
(program themes and/or changes to the festival program structure)
3) Post Pixelache 2007 photos in flickr.com, with tag "pixelache" (plenty of photos there already, please take a look at www.flickr.com/photos/tags/pixelache/)
....and see you again next year!
( Or already in a couple of weeks in Mal au Pixel 2007!
Paris, 14-21 April >> www.malaupixel.org )