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Open lecture series in art-design-technology-science: HUMAN DESIGN or EVOLUTION?
17 January 2012,
Kati Hurme
4 lecture evenings, 9 international speakers discussing the future of the human! Mondays 5-7pm at Aalto Media factory, Arabia. Starting on the 23rd of January and continuing on the subsequent 3 mondays.
Body enhancement, body modification, prosthetics, wearable and embedded technologies, mind uploading, memory-upgrades, biotechnologies and other nano-scale technologies are keywords in contemporary societys answers to the demands projected onto the human body. What is the future human like?
It is evident that our perception and attitudes toward the body are changing. This is visible in the general acceptance of ever more radical modifications and enhancements in the functions and appearance of the body, many of which are evidenced e.g. in media, in art & design, and in theoretical articulations concerning the future of the human species. Design for a future human has become an emerging area (in the art & design), which is tightly related to advancements in science and technology. This area is not only researching future potentialities of humans, including the development and design of a human body; it also addresses important ethical issues concerning such development. The lecture series asks what is, or could be, the role of an artist and a designer in this field?
There is no better way to use the winter monday evenings than discussing the future of the human. The 4 lecture-evenings offer 9 unique perspectives in investigating the human and the biological body as the material and subject of art, design, science and technology.
23.1.2012 Andy Miah, Laura Beloff, commentator: Sam Inkinen
30.1.2012 Natasha Vita-More, J. Auger & J. Loizeau, commentator: TBA
6.2.2012 Fiona Raby, Sissel Tolaas, commentator: TBA
13.2.2012 Riitta Hari, Stelarc, commentator: Marita Liulia
Moderated by Laura Beloff and the visiting commentators.
Please register your attendance; there is a limited amount of places: http://www.doodle.com/izbx38h3af4ex8n9
The lecture series is curated, organized and produced by Laura Beloff. It is a collaboration between Department of Design / Textile, Department of Art and Aalto Media Factory. Contact: laura.beloff[x]aalto.fi
Body enhancement, body modification, prosthetics, wearable and embedded technologies, mind uploading, memory-upgrades, biotechnologies and other nano-scale technologies are keywords in contemporary societys answers to the demands projected onto the human body. What is the future human like?
It is evident that our perception and attitudes toward the body are changing. This is visible in the general acceptance of ever more radical modifications and enhancements in the functions and appearance of the body, many of which are evidenced e.g. in media, in art & design, and in theoretical articulations concerning the future of the human species. Design for a future human has become an emerging area (in the art & design), which is tightly related to advancements in science and technology. This area is not only researching future potentialities of humans, including the development and design of a human body; it also addresses important ethical issues concerning such development. The lecture series asks what is, or could be, the role of an artist and a designer in this field?
There is no better way to use the winter monday evenings than discussing the future of the human. The 4 lecture-evenings offer 9 unique perspectives in investigating the human and the biological body as the material and subject of art, design, science and technology.
23.1.2012 Andy Miah, Laura Beloff, commentator: Sam Inkinen
30.1.2012 Natasha Vita-More, J. Auger & J. Loizeau, commentator: TBA
6.2.2012 Fiona Raby, Sissel Tolaas, commentator: TBA
13.2.2012 Riitta Hari, Stelarc, commentator: Marita Liulia
Moderated by Laura Beloff and the visiting commentators.
Please register your attendance; there is a limited amount of places: http://www.doodle.com/izbx38h3af4ex8n9
The lecture series is curated, organized and produced by Laura Beloff. It is a collaboration between Department of Design / Textile, Department of Art and Aalto Media Factory. Contact: laura.beloff[x]aalto.fi