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Open lecture by Artist Ursula Damm 9.12.
01 December 2011,
Kati Hurme
Ursula Damm (DE) is an artist working at the intersection of art, technology and science. She has developed installations on the relationship of nature, science and civilization which have been shown at numerous exhibitions worldwide. Since 2008 she holds the chair of Media Environments (Media Arts&Design) at the Media Faculty of the Bauhaus-University, Weimar. In 2010 together with Roland Eils from the Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg she formed the iGEM Team Weimar-Heideberg Arts to develop Super-Cell, a fictional supermarket offering speculative products based on Synthetic Biology.
(Photo: The 'Sasha Nourishing Solution' used with 'Sasha', the sensual communication tool for men and women. Extract from Super-Cell)
Lecture abstract:
Environmental issues have been an integral part of Ursula Damm's artistic work for a long time. Her artworks are a response to what she perceive as limitations of our high-tech everyday lives. The resulting installations establish their own ethical and aesthetic systems of value. This highlights aspects that the scientific world pays little attention to. Damm's artworks aim to integrate practices for acquiring knowledge which emphasize the importance of human sensory faculties. Hereby she wishes to integrate intuition in an artistic working and modeling process of raising awareness.
Ursula Damm will participate in the Art&HENVI project, organized by the Finnish Society of Bioart in collaboration with the Helsinki University Centre For Environmental Research (HENVI) in the context of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012.
Before the lecture of Ursula Damm, Erich Berger will give a short presentation of the Field_Notes project which was taking place at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station in September 2011. Field_Notes was a week long field laboratory for theory and practice on art&science work. Five expert working groups developed, tested and evaluated specific artistic approaches based on the interplay of art&science.
The Finnish Society of Bioart cordially invites to an open lecture by Ursula Damm:
Time: Friday 9.12. , 19:00
Place: Kaapelitehdas Tallberginkatu 1 C 23
00180 Helsinki
(Stair C, 4th Floor)
More information and contact:
Erich Berger, Ars Bioarctica coordinator
Finnish Society of Bioart
(Photo: The 'Sasha Nourishing Solution' used with 'Sasha', the sensual communication tool for men and women. Extract from Super-Cell)
Lecture abstract:
I am a wild type
Environmental issues have been an integral part of Ursula Damm's artistic work for a long time. Her artworks are a response to what she perceive as limitations of our high-tech everyday lives. The resulting installations establish their own ethical and aesthetic systems of value. This highlights aspects that the scientific world pays little attention to. Damm's artworks aim to integrate practices for acquiring knowledge which emphasize the importance of human sensory faculties. Hereby she wishes to integrate intuition in an artistic working and modeling process of raising awareness.
Ursula Damm will participate in the Art&HENVI project, organized by the Finnish Society of Bioart in collaboration with the Helsinki University Centre For Environmental Research (HENVI) in the context of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012.
Before the lecture of Ursula Damm, Erich Berger will give a short presentation of the Field_Notes project which was taking place at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station in September 2011. Field_Notes was a week long field laboratory for theory and practice on art&science work. Five expert working groups developed, tested and evaluated specific artistic approaches based on the interplay of art&science.
The Finnish Society of Bioart cordially invites to an open lecture by Ursula Damm:
Time: Friday 9.12. , 19:00
Place: Kaapelitehdas Tallberginkatu 1 C 23
00180 Helsinki
(Stair C, 4th Floor)
More information and contact:
Erich Berger, Ars Bioarctica coordinator
Finnish Society of Bioart