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Media Art and Red Machine Weekend Ahead: Alternative Party & Cartes Flux at Cable Factory
keskiviikko 19. lokakuuta 2011,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
This weekend the Cable Factory hosts several media art and technology events, with concurrent programmes over 20th-23rd October in Ruoholahti, Helsinki, including Alternative Party, Heidi Tikka's Mother Child installation and Cartes Flux Festival.
The Digital culture festival and Demoparty Alternative Party 2011 attracts coders, musicians, designers, hackers, and other digital enthusiasts, starting from Friday 21.10. from 18.00 - Sunday 23.10. until 16.00. In Alternative Party, you can enjoy digital culture in various forms, catch a glimpse of the technology of the future, and experience nostalgic trips with vintage hardware. This year's theme is Red Machines which refers to communism, Soviet Union and strange technology of the East. It will undoubtedly be a great event! Be quick to get a ticket as the era of capitalists has already began, and inflation on ticket prices is rocketing!: http://www.altparty.org/2011/
Also do catch media artist-researcher Heidi Tikka's 'Mother Child' installation at the Finnish Photography Museum (Suomen valokuvataiteen museo) Project Space, which is showing from 21.10.-20.11.2011. The work was completed in the year 2000, and has toured the USA, Canada and Europe, but it is now being shown in Finland for the first time. Heidi Tikka's opening/avajaiset is already on Thursday 20.10. 17-19!: http://mlab.taik.fi/~htikka/projects/motherchild.html
And lastly but certainly not least, part of the Cartes Flux 2011 Festival, in Cable Factory exhibition spaces Puristamo and Valssaamo installations open daily from 11am to 8pm, except sunday 23rd of October when exhibition close already at 3pm. Presented are works by a mix of Finnish and international artists and makers: Tomi Knuutila, Felix Hartmut Beck (DE), Tomi & Mikko Dufva, Daniel Schulze (DE), Team Music Radar (Jussi Rantala, Jussi Pihlaja, Jussi Litja, Markus Berg) and Pavitra Wickramasinghe & Amelie Brisson-Darveau (Canada/Sri Lanka), Tanja Koljonen, Olegtron, and Christian Gaupner. The exhibition is organised by CARTES Centre of Art and Technology Espoo: http://cartes-art.fi/flux2011
The Digital culture festival and Demoparty Alternative Party 2011 attracts coders, musicians, designers, hackers, and other digital enthusiasts, starting from Friday 21.10. from 18.00 - Sunday 23.10. until 16.00. In Alternative Party, you can enjoy digital culture in various forms, catch a glimpse of the technology of the future, and experience nostalgic trips with vintage hardware. This year's theme is Red Machines which refers to communism, Soviet Union and strange technology of the East. It will undoubtedly be a great event! Be quick to get a ticket as the era of capitalists has already began, and inflation on ticket prices is rocketing!: http://www.altparty.org/2011/
Also do catch media artist-researcher Heidi Tikka's 'Mother Child' installation at the Finnish Photography Museum (Suomen valokuvataiteen museo) Project Space, which is showing from 21.10.-20.11.2011. The work was completed in the year 2000, and has toured the USA, Canada and Europe, but it is now being shown in Finland for the first time. Heidi Tikka's opening/avajaiset is already on Thursday 20.10. 17-19!: http://mlab.taik.fi/~htikka/projects/motherchild.html
And lastly but certainly not least, part of the Cartes Flux 2011 Festival, in Cable Factory exhibition spaces Puristamo and Valssaamo installations open daily from 11am to 8pm, except sunday 23rd of October when exhibition close already at 3pm. Presented are works by a mix of Finnish and international artists and makers: Tomi Knuutila, Felix Hartmut Beck (DE), Tomi & Mikko Dufva, Daniel Schulze (DE), Team Music Radar (Jussi Rantala, Jussi Pihlaja, Jussi Litja, Markus Berg) and Pavitra Wickramasinghe & Amelie Brisson-Darveau (Canada/Sri Lanka), Tanja Koljonen, Olegtron, and Christian Gaupner. The exhibition is organised by CARTES Centre of Art and Technology Espoo: http://cartes-art.fi/flux2011