News / Pixelversity

Living gift economy- presentation 7.2. in Esitystaiteen Keskus
tiistai 5. helmikuuta 2013,
An alternative economy of squatters, dumpster-divers, hitchhikers, eco-hippies, anarchists and global nomads exists parallel to the capitalist dog-eat-dog society. Tomi Astikainen, 31, has explored this reality for a few years now and lived completely without money himself.
On Thursday 7 February 18-20, Tomi shares his story of moneyless living: why he let go of everything that brings security and comfort, how he leads a life without money and what we can learn about the modern nomadic living where sharing and collaboration have replaced hoarding and competition.
After the presentation, we'll discuss the subject and the ways to promote gift economy in our present communities and cultural practises.
We're serving a potluck-community dinner (nyyttärit) during the event, so it would be nice if you could bring some addition to a common buffet to be shared. We'll also have a cooking jam, improvising dishes from found and free ingredients, starting at 15.00.
The event will be in Esitystaiteen Keskus, Suvilahti, address Kaasutehtaankatu 1/33, 00540 Helsinki. Facebook event.
Event is organised in collaboration with Todellisuuden Tutkimus Keskus.
On Thursday 7 February 18-20, Tomi shares his story of moneyless living: why he let go of everything that brings security and comfort, how he leads a life without money and what we can learn about the modern nomadic living where sharing and collaboration have replaced hoarding and competition.
After the presentation, we'll discuss the subject and the ways to promote gift economy in our present communities and cultural practises.
We're serving a potluck-community dinner (nyyttärit) during the event, so it would be nice if you could bring some addition to a common buffet to be shared. We'll also have a cooking jam, improvising dishes from found and free ingredients, starting at 15.00.
The event will be in Esitystaiteen Keskus, Suvilahti, address Kaasutehtaankatu 1/33, 00540 Helsinki. Facebook event.
Event is organised in collaboration with Todellisuuden Tutkimus Keskus.