Misc / Recommended events

Future Art Base launch events continue until 25th May!
21 May 2012,
Kati Hurme
Future Art Base/Economic Art:
Art of Reopening the Field of Possible
Kafkamachine - film by Kafka
FAB Workshop with Bracha Ettinger
20th-22th May
Aalto Yliopisto, Art House,
Lämpömiehenkuja 3, Otaniemi, Espoo
contact: Heidi Fast, heidi.fast(at)aalto.fi, +358447428297
(more info below)
FAB Presentations:
at Antidote 3
23rd May, 16:00
Cable Factory Gallery, Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki
contact: Ana Fradique, ana.fradique(at)gmail.com, +358451367236
Cumulus Conference
24th May 9:00 to 13:00,
Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5c, Otaniemi, Espoo
Bracha Ettinger’s Masterclass with psychotherapists&analysts on art & ethics
25th May,
Aalto Yliopisto, Art House in Otaniemi
contact: Heidi Fast, heidi.fast(at)aalto.fi, +358447428297
Party, Experiments Presentation & fund raising event
Friday, 25th May,
17:00 – 22:00, Garage Venture
Betonimiehenkuja 3, Otaniemi Espoo, Finland (behind Design Factory)
contact: Ana Fradique, ana.fradique(at)gmail.com, +358451367236
More info at: www.futureartbase.org
20th-22th May, Aalto Yliopisto,
Art House, Lämpömiehenkuja 3,
Otaniemi, Espoo
contact: Heidi Fast, heidi.fast(at)aalto.fi, +358447428297
Based on Félix Guattari's manuscript from the 1980's Projet pour un film de Kafka, KAFKAMACHINE is a film project and an organizational experiment on the cooperations to come. It takes place in the midst of the marvels of financial economy and the crises of Europe, when the precariousness of immaterial labour defines our everyday life and semiocapitalism exercises its arbitrary power. Cynicism, depression and detachment from others have become important means of one's survival.
However, there is no heroism in the exhaustion and disillusionment. Is it possible to seek a way out together, but without anyone being able to lecture or show the right way? Because there is no other ground but the broken one. Kafkamachine searches for a potential cooperation, through engaging sensibilities and the production of new affects.
We want to produce becomings that will summon a people with whom minor organization connects. The cognomen of this project is n-1, the one that disappeared.
The idea of Guattari’s unrealized project plan was to make a film not about Kafka but ”by” Kafka. Guattari thought that Kafka was nothing less than the future. For him Kafka was not a 19th century writer prisoned in dark family relations and guilt, loneliness, submission to law, anguish of modern man… but a writer of future who was able to deal with seeds of problems and openings
which are only today starting to talk to us. KAFKAMACHINE uses Guattari’s project plan as an organizational tool: the production phases presented in the plan function as a general frame for coordinating the project. Yet the visualization and directions concerning actual scenes are created anew starting from our own problems, fears, dreams and existential territories.
This is the core of our project: with Kafka it (1) maps and studies our life at the mercy of biopolitical economy and arbitrary power and (2) develops tools for cooperation and organization that are able to make our existential territory more habitable and create openings towards its future, tools for doing things together without a necessity for becoming the other or even understanding the other.
KAFKAMACHINE is a metamodel, without any messianic politics.
We want to build movement from analysis (map making) to experimentation (exercises of script production) to contribute to the dynamic structuring of the unfolding organization (machine). This is the machine we want to assemble.
The three working groups of KAFKAMACHINE are: Mollecular Organization (Helsinki) - www.mollecular.org Ueinzz Theater Company (Sao Paulo) - http://ueinzz.sites.uol.com.br/ Presque Ruines (Paris) - www.presqueruines.wordpress.com/
Art of Reopening the Field of Possible
Kafkamachine - film by Kafka
FAB Workshop with Bracha Ettinger
20th-22th May
Aalto Yliopisto, Art House,
Lämpömiehenkuja 3, Otaniemi, Espoo
contact: Heidi Fast, heidi.fast(at)aalto.fi, +358447428297
(more info below)
FAB Presentations:
at Antidote 3
23rd May, 16:00
Cable Factory Gallery, Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki
contact: Ana Fradique, ana.fradique(at)gmail.com, +358451367236
Cumulus Conference
24th May 9:00 to 13:00,
Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5c, Otaniemi, Espoo
Bracha Ettinger’s Masterclass with psychotherapists&analysts on art & ethics
25th May,
Aalto Yliopisto, Art House in Otaniemi
contact: Heidi Fast, heidi.fast(at)aalto.fi, +358447428297
Party, Experiments Presentation & fund raising event
Friday, 25th May,
17:00 – 22:00, Garage Venture
Betonimiehenkuja 3, Otaniemi Espoo, Finland (behind Design Factory)
contact: Ana Fradique, ana.fradique(at)gmail.com, +358451367236
More info at: www.futureartbase.org
a Film by Kafka
20th-22th May, Aalto Yliopisto,
Art House, Lämpömiehenkuja 3,
Otaniemi, Espoo
contact: Heidi Fast, heidi.fast(at)aalto.fi, +358447428297
Based on Félix Guattari's manuscript from the 1980's Projet pour un film de Kafka, KAFKAMACHINE is a film project and an organizational experiment on the cooperations to come. It takes place in the midst of the marvels of financial economy and the crises of Europe, when the precariousness of immaterial labour defines our everyday life and semiocapitalism exercises its arbitrary power. Cynicism, depression and detachment from others have become important means of one's survival.
However, there is no heroism in the exhaustion and disillusionment. Is it possible to seek a way out together, but without anyone being able to lecture or show the right way? Because there is no other ground but the broken one. Kafkamachine searches for a potential cooperation, through engaging sensibilities and the production of new affects.
We want to produce becomings that will summon a people with whom minor organization connects. The cognomen of this project is n-1, the one that disappeared.
The idea of Guattari’s unrealized project plan was to make a film not about Kafka but ”by” Kafka. Guattari thought that Kafka was nothing less than the future. For him Kafka was not a 19th century writer prisoned in dark family relations and guilt, loneliness, submission to law, anguish of modern man… but a writer of future who was able to deal with seeds of problems and openings
which are only today starting to talk to us. KAFKAMACHINE uses Guattari’s project plan as an organizational tool: the production phases presented in the plan function as a general frame for coordinating the project. Yet the visualization and directions concerning actual scenes are created anew starting from our own problems, fears, dreams and existential territories.
This is the core of our project: with Kafka it (1) maps and studies our life at the mercy of biopolitical economy and arbitrary power and (2) develops tools for cooperation and organization that are able to make our existential territory more habitable and create openings towards its future, tools for doing things together without a necessity for becoming the other or even understanding the other.
KAFKAMACHINE is a metamodel, without any messianic politics.
We want to build movement from analysis (map making) to experimentation (exercises of script production) to contribute to the dynamic structuring of the unfolding organization (machine). This is the machine we want to assemble.
The three working groups of KAFKAMACHINE are: Mollecular Organization (Helsinki) - www.mollecular.org Ueinzz Theater Company (Sao Paulo) - http://ueinzz.sites.uol.com.br/ Presque Ruines (Paris) - www.presqueruines.wordpress.com/