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Free City (Vaba Linn) in Tallinn gathers students, experts & visionnaires
perjantai 13. huhtikuuta 2012,
Kati Hurme
FREE CITY event in Tallinn calls students, experts and visionnaires to meet on 26th-27th April in workshops and dialog-actions for learning to use different open-source tools inside and outside IT, to study the method of action in open-source paradigm and find open-source solutions to start your own new initiatives in analysing, influencing and planning our urban space.
FREE CITY acts with informations, phenomenons, questions and problems in different levels of urban scpace – culture, art, communication, security, sustainability, mobility etc – to connect these assemblages with open-source technology, its thinking methods and creation logic and start protoypes that could manage various problems, ideas, deficities through emphasising on the value gained from open-source ideology.
The first day of FREE CITY focuses on the opening of the subject through lectures and presenatations, also looking for an active dialog for finding new insights and perspectives in the question – What is possible to think in the context of “free city”? The second day of FREE CITY dedicated to 10 workshops and workgoups for developing new prototypes, ideas for services and ad hoc initiatives. Check the program here.
FREE CITY is funded by FND Archimedes Youth in Action Programme.
For participation register yourself: vabalinn.kultuurikatel.org
FIRST DAY / 26th April / Rävala 8 conference hall (www.r8.ee)
15.00 Doors open
16.00 Greetings by the moderator – Henri Laupmaa (Hooandja, Estonia)
16.15 Start speech: Tarmo Jüristo (Memokraat, Estonia)
16.45 International experience: Kat Braybrook, Open Knowledge Festival/Fabstar.org (UK) ja Massimo Menichinelli, Aalto University Media Factory (Finland)
17.15 Local experience: Linnalabor (Estonia)
17.45 Pause for fresh air ja snack buffee for the mind
18.15 City and the opensource: Maria Ritola, Demos.fi (Finland)
18.30 Webcommunication in cityspace: WEB_0 / Jekaterina Lavrinec (Lithuania)
18.45 Kickstart your project: Hooandja
19.00 Conclusion by moderator
SECOND DAY / 27th April / Rävala 8 classrooms and offices (www.r8.ee)
10.00-13.00 First session
13.00-13.30 Lunch buffee
13.30-16.30 Second session
16.30-17.30 Presentation of the projects
Workshops by Memokraat, MIM, Hobilabor, B210, EMT, BFM Ristmeedia õppetool, Open Knowledge Festival & Aalto University Media Factory, Street Messages, Sophie Usunier, Galerii Tank.

FREE CITY acts with informations, phenomenons, questions and problems in different levels of urban scpace – culture, art, communication, security, sustainability, mobility etc – to connect these assemblages with open-source technology, its thinking methods and creation logic and start protoypes that could manage various problems, ideas, deficities through emphasising on the value gained from open-source ideology.
The first day of FREE CITY focuses on the opening of the subject through lectures and presenatations, also looking for an active dialog for finding new insights and perspectives in the question – What is possible to think in the context of “free city”? The second day of FREE CITY dedicated to 10 workshops and workgoups for developing new prototypes, ideas for services and ad hoc initiatives. Check the program here.
FREE CITY is funded by FND Archimedes Youth in Action Programme.
For participation register yourself: vabalinn.kultuurikatel.org
FIRST DAY / 26th April / Rävala 8 conference hall (www.r8.ee)
15.00 Doors open
16.00 Greetings by the moderator – Henri Laupmaa (Hooandja, Estonia)
16.15 Start speech: Tarmo Jüristo (Memokraat, Estonia)
16.45 International experience: Kat Braybrook, Open Knowledge Festival/Fabstar.org (UK) ja Massimo Menichinelli, Aalto University Media Factory (Finland)
17.15 Local experience: Linnalabor (Estonia)
17.45 Pause for fresh air ja snack buffee for the mind
18.15 City and the opensource: Maria Ritola, Demos.fi (Finland)
18.30 Webcommunication in cityspace: WEB_0 / Jekaterina Lavrinec (Lithuania)
18.45 Kickstart your project: Hooandja
19.00 Conclusion by moderator
SECOND DAY / 27th April / Rävala 8 classrooms and offices (www.r8.ee)
10.00-13.00 First session
13.00-13.30 Lunch buffee
13.30-16.30 Second session
16.30-17.30 Presentation of the projects
Workshops by Memokraat, MIM, Hobilabor, B210, EMT, BFM Ristmeedia õppetool, Open Knowledge Festival & Aalto University Media Factory, Street Messages, Sophie Usunier, Galerii Tank.