Photo: © lastgap art laboratories 2000-2006
Welcome to an exciting Dorkbot Helsinki on November 2, from 18.00 onwards. This third edition of Dorkbot Helsinki will feature presentations and acts by the Association of Experimental Electronics (FI), Exo (FI) and our special feature Defektro (Japan/Australia).
Dorkbot was first organized in NYC in 2000 as a monthly gathering of artists, scientists and anyone else “doing strange things with electricity”. Later on, other people realized that their home city was in dire need of such a meeting, and dorkbot started to spread to other cities in different parts of the world...
Date & time: 2 November 2007, 18.00-01.00
Place: koko-teatteri / www.kokoteatteri.fi
Ticket: 5 eur
More info at http://pixelache.ac/university
Liittyvä sisältö

The third edition of Dorkbot Helsinki will feature presentations and acts by the Association of Experimental Electronics (FI), Exo (FI) and our special feature Defektro (Japan/Australia).
Dorkbot was first organized in NYC in 2000 as a monthly gathering of artists, scientists and anyone else “doing strange things with electricity”. Later on, other people realized that their home city was in dire need of such a meeting, and dorkbot started to spread to other cities in different parts of the world (www.dorkbot.org)...
Date & time: 2 November 2007, 18.00-01.00
Place: Koko-teatteri / ...