The P2P Lab (Ioannina, NW Greece) proudly opens the doors of its new facility to potential collaborators, scholars, activists, geeks and friends. The open call for visiting scholars & collaborators has just been announced! The visiting scholars program is intended to create networks of researchers, entrepreneurs, activists, policy creators, journalists, geeks, and public intellectuals who are sharing our research interests and have a vision for a project that can inform the public or shape the future of society. Read more here: http://p2plab.gr/en/call P2P Lab is an independent media lab interested in interdisciplinary research on free/open source technologies and practices. Their mission is to:
- Strive for integrative insights on the open technologies and the peer-to-peer practices.
- Provide consultancy support to organisations and institutions regarding open technologies and relevant socio-economic trends.
- Produce innovative, global techno-economic solutions to local problems.
- Write, edit and publish articles, reports and books in the diverse range of topics we investigate.
- Organise open events for reflection and action as well as to educate people about critical and creative tools for society-changing.
Pixelache and P2P Lab (as well as P2P Foundation Greece) have an ongoing partnership since first meeting in Autumn 2013 in Tallinn, and seek further exchanges on P2P and Commons issues between North and South Europe.