Bits and Bytes is a large-scale sound installation combining sound art and technology, created by Marko Timlin. This work is based on the use of 104 3,5“ floppy disk drive recycled from old computers.
The installation resembles a living organism: imagine being inside an ant-hill, surrounded by never-ending short sounds, clicks, crackles and tiny movements: there are endless sonic and visual variations inside a clearly defined overall structure.
The exhibition is at Akusmata Sound Art Gallery, Tukholmankatu 7 K in Helsinki. The exhibition opens on Friday, September 18th from 18.00 - 20.00.
The exhibition will be opened daily from September 19th to 27th from 14.00 – 18.00.
Marko will also be presenting the exhibition on Sunday, 27 September as part of the Pixelche Festival's Inside⋅Out programme.