Misc / Recommended events

Art activism!
keskiviikko 23. tammikuuta 2013,
Ulla Taipale
We welcome everyone that works somewhere between art and activism to a shared meeting on Monday 28th January. The idea is to come together in order to get to know each other better, to share food, thoughts and ideas and to discuss the possibilities of working together. The meeting could potentially lead into us forming a loose network for art activism.
If you're interested in joining the meeting, please let us know in beforehand , so that we can prepare enough food for everyone. You can either email us (herrala.satu ät gmail.com / saarahan ät gmail.com) or rsvp the Facebook event
When: Monday 28th January, 19:00 until 21:30
Where: Made in Kallio, Vaasankatu 14, 00500 Helsinki, Finland
If you're interested in joining the meeting, please let us know in beforehand , so that we can prepare enough food for everyone. You can either email us (herrala.satu ät gmail.com / saarahan ät gmail.com) or rsvp the Facebook event
When: Monday 28th January, 19:00 until 21:30
Where: Made in Kallio, Vaasankatu 14, 00500 Helsinki, Finland