Member activity

RT @LouiseDowne: Tickets for the next cross government design meetup have just been released! The topic for this one will be designing for…
RT @andreuchisbo: pstt @inlandDesign katso:
RT @inlandDesign: Today on my way to work I was listening Design and Public Services: from soft furnishing to hard disciplines. Insights on…
RT @joseallona: Peliculón, recomendado por la genia @Salgado
RT @CDCleuphana: SAVE THE DATE The international conference DIGITAL CULTURES - KNOWLEDGE / CULTURES / TECHNOLOGY will take place @leuphana…
Kun maksaa laskut ajallaan ei tarvitse huolehtia
Kun vie joka päivä mainokset paperinkeräykseen, ei tarvi pelkätä että laskut ja muu posti hukkuisi sinne sekaan
RT @NaomiAKlein: About Elon's big day... this is a car commercial in space. Everyone: pls stop participating.
Lue! on liettuaksi "Paskaitykit"
RT @TheRealBuzz: Liftoff! We have liftoff on the #falconheavy Congratulations @SpaceX
RT @fciny: what we write when we write about design/art/architecture is a mentoring program for visual arts journalists, writers and critic…
sorry there is no objective reality outside your observations
Opinion | Our Hackable Political Future - The New York Times
Fedorov’s Geographies of Time / "the geo-engineering of the earth and the resurrection of the dead are meant to abo…
RT @Untitledbodies: 59 out of 100 stakes for Season 1 sold 43 members 23 days to go the decentralised cultural venue Kuusi Palaa will open…
Apple Music's Trent Reznor says 'music economics aren't what they should be' in new interview via @ChanceHMiller
RT @gov_design: Join us on Feb 7, for the next @gov_design meetup on ‘Design and Policy’ at @Justice_Digital with brilliant talks by @Andre…
RT @BoingBoing: 10 hours of ambient noise from an "icebreaker in the frozen arctic."
Rockabilly rebels: the stylish French gangs who fought racists on the streets
RT @anupartanen: The Finnish president's wife gave birth today. Their son was born in the same public, taxpayer-funded hospital where most…
ARRI Unveils Large-Format 4K Alexa Camera, Solves Netflix Spec Dilemma via @thr
RT @Blk_Dolphin: CNN & Fox News has done to our parents what they thought violent video games & Marilyn Manson would do to us.
Artikkelin kuvituskuvan silhuettimiehet eivät liity tapaukseen.
Happy birthday, Philip Glass. DJ BC: Philip Glass vs. Busta Rhymes - via @YouTube