Member activity

Richard Perkins: Every year 30% of topsoil is moved by agriculture, same amount as did the whole last ice age. #permaculture
RT @adafruit: The microSD card you use on your Raspberry Pi projects drastically affects performance #piday #raspberrypi…
25 Reasons to Read Lispector's Complete Stories
'Two years isn't long, not if you say it real fast.' - William Gaddis, from -The Recognitions-
RT @darthstubb: 90 prosenttia Kuolontähden lämmönpoistokuilua koskevista viranomaislausunnoista myönteisiä.
RT @HelicamServices: Check out the #helicam shots we did for this new Mercedes-Benz C350 TVC #arri #alexa https://t…
RT @darthstubb: Imperiumi on ennen kaikkea rohkeutta välittää. Välittää niin paljon, että pelottaa. Ja silti ja juuri siksi uskallusta tehd…
Another Flickr set from the Living Spaces festival: the club nights!
@bytetime Unfortunately at the moment we don't have open call for residencies, but we hope can extend our residency program in 2016.
Documentation from the first Pixelache Network event in UK!
Ernie's Pop-Up Spa featured in various events at the Living Spaces festival
On treating code like a physical material #media #coding #learning
Darth Vader fireplace video: Darth Vader Yule Log Five Hours
@IHMEfestival @SUCHHELSINKI Jos pitämme sitä suomeksi, se auttaa minun oppiminen....
@SUCHHELSINKI @IHMEfestival So I don't have to choose between you.
@SUCHHELSINKI @IHMEfestival Ah, you provocateur. I'd rather be a nice floor varnish I think.
@SUCHHELSINKI @IHMEfestival @nosfe En ymmärrä. Puhumme tapetti?
There´s no business like...elokuvabisnes ei pyöri ilman tukea | Yle Uutiset |
RT @Janne6nen: @iboelev Äänittäjämiksaajamasteroija @villeh00 n kanssa päädyimme murskaamaan ämpärin pohjalle kananmunan. Elettiin marras-j…
The annotations of Gaddis and Pynchon online are such an incredible resource; I wish they had existed 15 years ago when I first read them.
Pirate Bay Founder: ‘I Have Given Up’