Member activity

RT @qxsuomi: Hiv-estolääkitys on tulossa vihdoin myös Suomeen.
RT @ajplus: 30 seconds of hippos eating watermelons. That is all. 🍉
RT @Tero_Hoo: Aito avioliitto ry:n puheenjohtajan twiittiin oli eksynyt ylimääräisiä sanoja. Korjasin sen.
RT @BrazilianReport: Workers’ Party chairwoman Gleisi Hoffman decided to attend Nicolas Maduro’s inauguration yesterday. The controversial…
RT @socioambiental: A força feminina protege a Terra Indígena Caru (MA)! 🙅🏾 Conheça as mulheres que, há meia década, defendem sua terra e c…
RT @panuraatikainen: No niin... #Sensuuri:sta #Facebook:issa uhriutuvat #Persut ovat kohdistaneet minuun #napitus hyökkäyksen Facebookissa…
RT @samposauri: Kylmäävä juttu Ps-nuorista, joiden mukaan suomalaisuuteen ei vähemmistöt kuulu. Man känner sig välkommen i sitt eget land.…
RT @Debora_D_Diniz: Posse, porte. Arma é para proteger propriedade, dizem os bolsonaristas. Esposa, filha, namorada é tudo propriedade para…
RT @Independent: Planet’s erratic magnetic field forces emergency update to global navigation system
Vince Clarke studio tour - Waveshaper TV - IDOW archive series via @YouTube
RT @MaaritLaihonen: Tuu huomenna kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan, millaista on tehdä tutkimusta, taidetta, opetusta ja aktivismia naisena ja fe…
RT @organik_music: @niko_immonen @samuli_virtanen @Jirgson @TUOTorronen @kestinen @alkuperainen @LauriSiniluoto @AishaBenahmed @Hannariikka…
Pixelmapping Astera titan tubes with @osamulia for @kxpmusic at @glivelab thank you @kinosrentals for the support!
I wouldn't be surprised at all reading about some Smithson experimenting with nuclear. Half-life and enthropy and all that shit.
I mean, land art, nuclear detonation, atmosphere's a logical progression, no?
Why didn't USA have nuclear bomb artists back in the day?
RT @junemjennings: Please read @rashmee_kumar’s excellent piece on the commodification of Muslim identity
RT @atlasobscura: Though they're separated by an entire continent, male humpback whales near Gabon and Madagascar often seem to be singing…
RT @ava: Four black men were falsely accused of raping a white girl in 1949. They were hunted, tortured in jail to give false confessions…
And then fuck off and switch off the light thank you.
Just spend the money for building a monument of stupidity and cruelty.
RT @zerotoledo: “Despetização” de Onyx tem só 1% de petistas De ⁦@allandeabreu1⁩ e ⁦@marcellamrrr⁩ para ⁦@revistapiaui⁩…
RT @ExtinctionR: Yes to Popular Resistance! January 12, 12 - 2 PM Embassy of Brazil in 14-16 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5BL Ele Não St…
RT @Survival: Breaking news from @ciminacional: #Indigenous Guarani community attacked by gunmen this morning, and told that if the don't l…
RT @TommiHNieminen: Täyskäsi. HS-analyysi: Poliisin, Tullin ja Puolustusvoimien johtoa syytteessä samaan aikaan – Mitä tässä maassa oikein…
RT @Info_Activism: Artificial Intelligence Was Supposed to Reduce Hiring Discrimination. It’s Already Backfiring
RT @KoomikkoKivi: Lyhyt ote näytelmästä "Perussuomalaiset vastustavat uutta kaivoslakia". - Hei ulkomaalainen! Mitä sinä puuhaat? - Kerä…
RT @Survival: They still don't get it... No projects should take place on #Indigenous land without the people's consent. Period. This sim…
RT @submedia: Message of support reading "Canada is Land Theft" dropped in Kingston for the rolling blockade of hwy 401. #shutdowncanada #…