Each month during 2013 we organise and promote a Trashlab repair café event at a different location. In November, our last workshop of the year, we´ll meet in Aalto Fablab in Arabianranta, on Saturday 16.11. from 12 to 16.00.
Aalto Fablab is an open and free-for-all workshop, which is equipped with 3D-printer, vinyl cutter and so on. It is a service provided to Aalto staff, researchers & students from Monday-Friday, with Tuesday afternoon being their regular open period for anyone else to come along.
In this specially arranged Saturday-afternoon session, our old friend and a DIY-wizard Albert Laine will lead the repairing. Albert will help with wood, electronics and other items. Also, Anu Määttä & Palash Mukhopadhyay will be on hand to help with their specialist knowledge of tools & machines there, some spare parts and learning support to fix your stuff, Aalto Fablab -style!
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