As part of this year's Kuebiko 2011 programme, organised by Artists in the Archipalego, a seminar titled 'Kuebiko- linnunpelättimiä ja muita suojelijoita' (Scarecrows & other ways of care-taking) will take place on the 9th of April, that brings together rural cultural heritage, participatory actions & bio-ecosystem awareness with self-organised art practices.
Kuebiko refers to the scarecrow and weather vane (suomeksi: linnunpelätin ja tuuliviiri) built last year by Artists in the Archipalego collective. They borrowed its name from Japanese Shinto culture and it stands for a spirit of knowledge in the form of a scarecrow. "Because he stands all day outdoors, he knows everything". Being two-faced, he sees everywhere.
Pixelversity makes an open call to invite a small group (up to 8 persons) from Helsinki to participate in a subsidised overnight trip to Kimitoön/Kemiönsaari to attend the seminar.
Seminar Schedule
The seminar starts on Saturday morning until the afternoon at the Sagalund Museum in Kemiö, and will take place variously in Swedish, Finnish and English. Below is the schedule and working titles for presentations.
9.30: Kahvia ja tervetuloa /Kaffe och välkommen /Coffee and welcome
10.00: Li Näse (Sagalund): Hur man skyddat sig mot onda makter. Exempel från bondesamhällets Kimito. /Sadon ja elämän suojelu lähihistoriallisesta näkökulmasta /Protection against evil forces. Examples from Kimito’s old peasant society. (ruotsiksi/på svenska)
11.00: Henno Parks (ÅA/TY): Rows, Crows and Scarecrows: A Shamanic Viewpoint./Varikset ja variksen-pelättimet shamanistisesta näkökulmasta./Kråkor och fågelskrämmor ur ett schamanistiskt perspektiv. (englanniksi/på engelska/in English)
12–13: Lounas Sagalundin museon kahvilassa /Lunch i museicaféet /Lunch in the café of the museum. 10 €/henkilö/person (subsidised to registered Pixelversity persons).
13.00: Puhuja varmistetaan/Föreläsaren bekräftas senare/Speaker to be confirmed: Suojelu ITE-taiteessa /Beskydd i modern folkkonst /Contemporary folk art and protection.("itse tehty elämä" self-taught art) (suomeksi).
14.00: Andrew Gryf Paterson (Aalto TaiK): Social arts and network culture applied to grassroots culture heritage /Yhteisötaide ja verkostokulttuuri sovellettuna ruohonjuuritason kulttuuriperintöön /Samfundskonst och nätverkskultur tillämpad på kulturarv på gräsrotsnivå. (englanniksi)
15−16: Keskustelua ja kahvia /Diskussion och kaffe /Discussion and coffee.
Participation from Helsinki
Pixelversity, in cooperation with Kuebiko organising team, will subsidise partial costs (30€ towards return bus/taxi ticket + free seminar lunch) of up to 8 persons to attend the seminar from Helsinki. Accomodation will be arranged in a local building, indoor camping style (a sleeping bag is necessary).
Each participant registering with Pixelversity contributes 20€ which goes towards travel costs and to a shared money pot for food and drinks.
We will travel in group on Friday 8.4.2011 from Helsinki 17:15 to Kemiö (arriving 20:50) and return on Sunday 10.4. 2011 from Kemiö 15:35 to Helsinki (arriving back 18:25). However, some may wish to return on Saturday evening instead via 17:25 bus (arriving back 20:40).
Please register your interest (explaining your wish to attend & which day you wish to return)..
Latest Sunday 3rd April to agryfp [-at-] pixelache.ac.
On the event there is more than 8 persons registering, your explanation will be relevant for allocating the subsidised costs. Advance payment of participation fee should be made before Thursday 8th April (Further information will be sent on registering interest).
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