For the past 30 years (or so) festivals have been the ultimate live experience. More than the line-up itself, the magic of festivals is being there, absorbing the atmosphere and connecting with like-minded souls though the shared music (or other arts) experience. It's needless to say that festivals big and small are facing the challenge to keep on existing physically, virtually or both. The point is to find a space between the borders of physical and online presence that makes sense, and that has a nature that's neither virtual nor physical, but always real. In this talk we are going to explore this specific space, one that doesn't exist yet, but surely is in the making.
We will also find out:
- How to find a liquid space that blurs the barriers between audience and performers
- Cooperative ways to sustain festivals and decentralized ways of organizing
- The importance of being right here, right now. Are recordings of festivals worth being replayed or made accessible?
- Festivals only happen once a year, but the community needs to be engaged all year round for many reasons. We will find out.
Many examples that will be shown are experimental, not tried and true methods.
Antònia Folguera is a curator and communicator based in Barcelona. She curates content for festivals like Sónar+D (Sónar Festival's Creative Technologies Conference in Barcelona), Eufònic (Terres de l'Ebre, Spain), STRP (Eindhoven, Netherlands) and Keroxen (Tenerife, Spain). She is also part of XRCB (Barcelona Community Radio Network) where they map and engage Barcelona's vibrant community radio scene, and they build open-source and free tools and infrastructure for community radio. She is also jury and tutor at the Barcelona Producció grants for emerging artists since last year.
You can listen to her rambling and playing music at her monthly radio show "Lummerland" at Dublab.es
Occasionally she djs here and there, exploring micro scenes and exciting sounds.
@bzzzbip - https://antoniafolguera.net/
The presentation is 30 minutes long and pre-recorded. It will be followed by a live Q & A afterwards with Antònia Folguera via Zoom link ID: 9159 6248 143 (waiting room employed).
More information through:
Andrew Gryf Paterson, agryfp@gmail.com
Steve Maher, Piknik Frequency ry, steve@pixelache.ac
Saša Nemec, Piknik Frequency ry, sasa@pixelache.ac
Making Festivals is part of the 2020 Pixelache Helsinki #Burn____ programme. Pixelache Helsinki activities are supported by the City of Helsinki and TAIKE.
Making Festivals is a theme proposed by Pixelache member Andrew Gryf Paterson, as part of Pixelache's 2020 programme in relation to theme #Burn____. This event was originally conceived in October 2019 to be the thematic of an unconference format event, reviving the Coop Camp's spirit that took place in Tampere as part of Pixelversity 2011-2013 programme. Those events were made with the intention to make a temporary social space to share and exchange on the overlaps of informal collaboration and formal cooperativism. While in the times of Coronavirus pandemic, it is not possible to justify such a gathering, we can still invite expert and experienced perspectives on how to make a festival in such times, with the hope that such knowledge sharing can be valuable in the future. In Pixelache's case, towards our next Festival in June 2021.
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