Hämeentie 125, Helsinki, FI, 00560

Free Translation session with Hany.P
Choreographing Translations
Free Translation Sessions are gatherings where we make art, interpretations, and view and discuss artworks received for the international Free Translation exhibition. The sharing of personal stories, experimenting with art techniques, and listening to subjective views will help guide your artistic process and shed light on different walks of life.
Dancing Dice is a corporeal performance-based workshop that allows one to find joy by playing with poetic dices. Hany.P will share with participants how she choreographs a physical language by using the artworks on display at the Free Translation exhibition. Diverse media such as sounds, texts and drawings will give participants space to explore how they interact with each other and how they can create an amalgamated body of language. This workshop welcomes people of all ages who have an interest in interactive creations and, in particular, with physical dialogues.
This practice, proposed by Hany.P, can encourage us to find our own unique language on a wider spectrum. We will explore how ideas, feelings and emotions can be applied by interchanging media. The session may also help situations where we have vulnerable feelings or cannot name some emotions.
The workshop is divided into three sections:
1. Writing exercises and discussion (society-individual/uniformity-diversity)
2. Make your own poetic dice & creating physical dialogues
3. Final performance during the exhibition Finissage at 15:30
Participation is free and therefore pre-registration is encouraged. Email Arlene at translationisdialogue@gmail.com to register for the workshop and to receive more information.
Free Translation Sessions are organized by Anastasia Artemeva and Arlene Tucker of Prison Outside
More info at: https://freetranslation.prisonspace.org/
More about Hany.P
Hany.P is the founder of Non Gothic Body Collectives that is a nest for nomadic artists encouraging the artistic solidarity. She holds a Master’s degree in theatre and performance from Goldsmiths University of London. She has worked internationally in a wide spectrum including installation performances, body dialogues with sounds as well as dance films. Her passion is on a creation of independent discourses by suggesting a fresh relation between the body and the instantly changing environment. These experimentations are oriented in a variety of spaces, objects and sounds. Her experiences in the cultural diversity including her recent workshops held in Rota(Spain), Athens(Greece), Essex University. E14 (U.K), Berlin(Germany). Non Gothic Body Collectives.
More info at: https://www.facebook.com/nongothicbody