Pixelache Summer School in Kimito
torstai 21. elokuuta 2008,
Nathalie Aubret

Kimitobo Tuomo Tammenpää held an exciting two-day workshop during 6-8 August, around solar panels, sound making, analog electronics and toys hacking. In spite of the pouring rain and solar panels on electric light, he transmitted his hacking fever to 8 enthusiastic new recruits in his cosy and pretty home of Kemiö (Kimito-Dojo). As Tuomo describes it with some satisfaction, the result was “avant gardened singing horticulture, solar powered dinosaur, lullaby-toy on acid among others”.
Some photos can be found on flickr:
Tuomo’s , Toni’s , Nathalie’s
Also check out Tuomo’s blog at:
We are planning to organize another similar electronics workshop during the autumn. We will send more info in the near future. Stay tuned!