At Roihuvuori Library on 13th June at 18.00, Laura Shaeffer (USA) presents her cultural neighbourhood projects, including Southside Hub of Production in Hyde Park area, Chicago, as part of Pixelversity's Creative Neighbourhood skills theme. Laura is a multi-disciplinary artist, mother, wife, and informal teacher, interested in social activism, community organisation and alternative pedagogy. She also facilitates and teaches many workshops and classes throughout the year with kids and adults.
This event is organised as part of Pixelversity 2012 theme Creative Neighbourhood Skills, in collaboration with Roihuvuori Neighbourhood Association. See Facebook event. Note there will be a screening also--in parallel to the lecture--for children.
More about Laura's Chicago projects:
SHoP (Southside Hub of Production) is a collective of artists, writers, film makers, craftspeople, educators, and local civic organizations who have come together to create a local cultural hub space in Hyde Park, Chicago. SHOP’s main aim is to engage creatively with the neighborhood and encourage local cultural activity. The goal is to foster collaboration and cooperation of all kinds in the neighborhood. SHoP is for productive creativity as well as for slow culture, leisure time, and meaningful social engagement: http://southsidehub.org/
The Opportunity Shop was created in 2009 by Laura Shaeffer, who envisioned utilizing otherwise empty urban spaces on a temporary basis to create sites of community involvement and artistic exchange. The Op Shop is independent of any institution; it is self funded and managed entirely by volunteers. Each Op Shop is unique in its scope, concept and context. What they all have in common is the desire to expand and build upon our ideas of contemporary art, meaningful education and communal engagement. http://theopshop.org/
HOME Gallery is an ongoing experimental living and exhibition space in the artist-organiser's home in Hyde Park, Chicago. http://www.thelarch.org/
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AtRoihuvuori Libraryon13th June at 18.00, Laura Shaeffer (USA) presents her cultural neighbourhood projects, includingSouthside Hub of Productionin Hyde Park area, Chicago, as part of Pixelversity’s Creative Neighbourhood skills theme. Laura is a multi-disciplinary artist, mother, wife, and informal teacher, interested in social activism, community organisation and alternative pedagogy. She also facilitates and teaches many workshops and classes throughout the year with kids and adults.
This event is organised as part of Pixelversity 2012 themeCreative Neighbourhood Skills, in collaboration...