
- is the outreach & education programme of Pixelache Helsinki scene around the year. PIXELVERSITY = PIXELACHE + DIVERSITY / UNIVERSITY - on Pixelache-festivaalin toimintakenttää laajentava ympärivuotinen koulutusohjelma - är Pixelache-festivalens året runt-aktiva, utåtriktade och uppsökande utbildningsverksamhet - on Pixelache Helsinki raames kogu aasta vältel aset leidev teavitus- ja haridusprogramm - это круглогодичная программа Pixelache в Хельсинки по образованию и распространению знаний Pixelache Helsinki is a transdisciplinary platform for experimental art, design, research and activism. Amongst our fields of interest are: experimental interaction and electronics; renewable energy production/use; bioarts and art-science culture; grassroot organising and networks; politics and economics of media/technology; alternative economy cultures; VJ culture and audiovisual performances; media literacy and engaging environmental issues. Related pedagogy on the above topics aims to support the regional grassroots scene(s), and is based upon learning from experience and from peers: Learning by doing, and doing it together. The programme variably consists of presentations, workshops, camps, expeditions and other events: Some share and sustain ongoing local practice; others benefit from serendipity and specialists visiting Helsinki; or support activity that happens outside the usual locations, including the nearby regions.


Pixelversity aims to be a 'learning bridge' between practitioners, cultural and non-profit organisations, interested individuals and larger institutions, and an outreach programme extending beyond Helsinki. Consideration is given to the relationships between the different activities, and how they may build up accumulative knowledge and skills towards future Pixelache events. Click to read more.



Pixelversity 2012 programme. The 2011 programme was composed of proposals from artists, makers, organisers and researchers who are Pixelache association members, and invited guest contributors. The events also offered a meeting point for the local Pixelache scene outside the festival period, and an opportunity to check out partner activity in Kemiönsaari/Kimitoön, Tampere and Tallinn. Going further back, read more details about Pixelversity Programme 2010. Read about the Background of education in Pixelache Festival/Network. .


The programme is coordinated and facilitated by local artist-organiser Andrew Gryf Paterson. Information about programme is shared in English, but also, when possible, in other local languages. If you wish to suggest cooperations or proposals for future activity, or have questions about scheduled programme, welcome to write to: andrew [-at-] pixelache .ac .


All text, digital materials and media shared from the context of Pixelversity are shared with the aims of the Peer Production License.