Pikseliähky 2006

Helsinki, 30 March - 2 April
- Audiovisual performances and concerts in Kiasma Theatre
- Locative media workshop + mobile arts and experiments
- Pixelache Club and Pixelache VJ Battle
- Discussions and presentations: Open hardware and products, Video in Theatre seminar, Protolab project showcases
Pixelache 2006 is proud to premiere three new audiovisual performances: Orbital Glider/Raumgleiter by Scanner (UK), a Finnish version of Grenze (FR) and an environmental project Peurakaira vs Päätehakkuu (FI). Pixelache 2006 also showcases a new work for mobile phones by Sari Kaasinen (FI) and several ambitious initiatives currently under development - collaborative sound project IMPROVe, open product code initiative Thinglink, game platform TileToy and many more...
Pixelache club events bring you fresh and challenging rhythms from Aelters (FR) + Forss Versus Borg (SE) + Katusea Soundsystem (FI) + many others... Combined with the Pixelache VJ Battle which brings together a grand bunch of 16 VJs from three countries - Hungary, Estonia and Finland. Long live the Finno-Ugrians!
Pixelache 2006 : Experiment * Collaborate * Improvise * Enjoy!
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