Member activity
RT @SSoimakallio: Toteutunut arvio nielusta ei suinkaan ole kaksinkertaistunut (100%), kuten @MaasTul pääkirjoittaa, vaan 110Mm3 kasvulla u…
RT @jmmuriu: For the past 27 days, a small Protestant church in The Hague has been conducting round-the-clock religious services to protect…
RT @SalakanJanne: Neljävuotias lapsi ei siedä ulkonäköään tai vierasperäistä nimeään. Rasistiset öyhöttäjät tulevat kertomaan, että ongelma…
RT @TiinaSaAi: Raportti kehottaa Ranskaa palauttamaan varastetut kulttuuriesineet alkuperämaihin Afrikkaan
RT @Vinncent: Just two years ago you could count all of the important Brazilians who said this out loud on your fingers. You know what, the…
RT @Juho_p: Sinisten paikka on pienpuolueiden tenteissä. Ei Muutos 2011 -puoluekaan päässyt eduskuntapuolueiden tentteihin James Hirvisaare…
RT @profscontraoesp: "Mais de 150 entidades de 87 países adotam uma moção de emergência contra o projeto Escola Sem Partido. O documento fo…
RT @Ninoprestes: Sífilis aumentando no Brasil. Mas não vamos contar pros adolescentes na escola, tá? Deixa eles descobrirem sozinhos...
RT @raju: The Second Half of Watergate Was Bigger, Worse, and Forgotten By the Public
RT @HumansOfLate: #humansoflatecapitalism
RT @jzellis: “Hey, do you think we could take like a single second to reevaluate the economic and social and political systems that led us…
Tomorrow in Kinopalatsi, helsinki - Climax | Official Trailer HD | A24
RT @coimbraricardo: Sem viés
RT @sheeraf: Just to recap: after initially calling our story inaccurate, (and internally calling it “false”), Facebook has now confirmed m…
RT @furioushorses: This drawing from a Heimlich Manoeuvre how-to contains more complex emotion than nearly every novel…
RT @vhautaka: ”On uskomatonta, että vielä nykymaailmassa voidaan löytää tällainen tuntematon biologinen ihme, jonka rakentajat ovat vielä…
RT @naosalvo: As imagens do Rei Leão live action são mto reais vaisefude
RT @lesbianaria: Kannattaa aina suhtautua kriittisesti kun jotain tuotetta markkinoidaan ekologisena.
"Bambua sisältävien muoviastioiden m…
RT @ajnabifinlandi: Lasten huoneesta kuuluu kauhea möykkä. Kaveri yötä. Meen kattomaan, niin ne pelaa shakkia siellä. Nuoriso pilalla, vain…
RT @WorldAndScience: This is the first flower ever grown entirely in space!
carrot shreds...bits of toothpick...
RT @merjapen: Väitös: suomalaisen integraatiopolitiikan ongelma on, että fokusoidutaan henkilön puutteisiin, ei siihen mitä hänellä jo on.…
RT @aflores: I gave kids in the caravan cameras to document their journey through Mexico. This is what they came back with…
RT @internetofshit: if you're planning to spend money on some random gadget today, make sure to check @mozilla's fantastic guide first - it…
RT @roedvin: Miksi???
RT @PeterGleick: That thin luminous sliver is the entire atmosphere of the world. That's where the delicate #climate happens and where our…
RT @dwnews: "Really sorry but the client doesn't want an Asian female, they want a white male barrister."
This lawyer has been fired 6 ti…
RT @masspeaceaction: 49th National Day of mourning observance in Plymouth today drew 1000 people to march and hear speakers on missing and…
RT @okohonen: Lebowski theorem for climate mitigation:
No superintelligent tech is going to bother with a task that is harder than extracti…
RT @raju: “We do not allow journalists" to visit.
On Prajwala, a celebrated India charity that has received US and UN funding:
"Prison wou…