Member activity
@2Tanks_DRE The action took place in the Terra Indígena Alto Turiaçu that is shared by 3 indigenous ethnicities: Aw…
@2Tanks_DRE @FaiMujer The pics are by Lunar Parracho shot in 2014 when the warriors of indigenous Ka'apor ethnicity…
RT @NARAL: “Pro-life”
RT @blogdosakamoto: O governo Bolsonaro irá tratar os latifundiários grileiros (que roubam terras públicas) como promete tratar o MST, ou s…
RT @rubyhamad: I kinda want an apology from every white feminist that cried at me because I asked her to stop claiming that Hillary represe…
RT @Vinncent: Tipo Alex Jones / L Ron Hubbard, say whatever, get in where you fit in
RT @tutamAW: Decisions in the mid-2000s to increase the use of #biofuels resulted in large-scale #deforestation as vast amount of land was…
RT @jyrkikasvi: There's so much CO2 in the atmosphere that planting trees can no longer save us via @businessinsider
RT @1981annozero: Hey, @amazon, would you be happier if chattel slavery was legal?
RT @HumansOfLate:
The deforestation in Brazil has global consequences, is caused by global actors and thus needs global level prevent…
RT @TPeurakoski: Kun keskustelin tänään Sanna Ukkolan kanssa Sannikka & Ukkola -ohjelman tavoitteista ja toteutumista, mietin että olispa j…
RT @tomiwalamies: Juha Sipilän lupaus Suomelle nyt on, että ensi vaalien jälkeen tekee erilaista politiikkaa kuin Juha Sipilä.
RT @Vinncent: Things like Facebook and Youtube just really shouldn't exist as they are, if there are going to be for-profit social networks…
RT @nd_kane: Completely delighted to hear @joana_moll talk on data brokering and dating websites, an explorative and alarming piece of inve…
Dear @Nationalmuseet, you seem to claim on your website that Tupinambás are extinct. Why?
Brazil is the 7th country in the world that contributes most to global warming. Most of the greenhouse gases in Bra…
@biret Quite shockingly the museum claims that the Tupinambás are extinct:
@biret This is bordering a awkward transition, but there has been an interesting (and still unresolved) case betwee…
RT @data_labe: A primeira mesa da @criptofunk já começou. O debate é sobre cuidado integral: segurança digital, segurança física e autocuid…
RT @sallyhayd: "The condition of those on board is not known."
RT @maailmanet: Lähes 18 000 suomalaista vaati tällä viikolla luovutetussa vetoomuksessa translain uudistamista
@kaikkipilalla pelkkaa ketamiinia tilalla
trigger warning: historical imagery of colonial violence
RT @biret: This Sámi drum from Lycksele, Swedish #Sápmi, was taken to Paris in 1849 and has been lost since 2005. Francis Joy’s new article…
RT @zei_nabq: but yes, please keep giving these odious fascists a platform
When talking about Amazon, the word 'deforestation´is problematic since it hides the human agency, making it all s…
RT @jovensreacinhas: Bozo: "eles não são médico, absurdo as pessoas serem atendidas por esses terroristas"
MBL: "a medicina cubana é um lix…
@evgenymorozov coincidence?