Member activity

RT @Dimmu141: Semmosia viestiä on nyt ihan arkipäivä Halla-ahon Perussuomalaisissa. Nyt vaaditaan politiisia puhdistuksia. P.S maanpetokse…
RT @cynaramenezes: antes: "primeiro tiramos a dilma, depois o temer" agora: "temer não é tão ruim, vamos até pegar uns caras que trabalham…
RT @privacyint: "Israeli spyware is helping repressive regimes in the Middle East oppress dissidents"
RT @Liveuamap: Russian border guards boats Sobol, Don, Mangust, Suzdalets attacked Ukrainian tug and 2 small artillery boats during passage…
RT @classiclib3ral: Breitbart still hasn't updated this story on their site @BreitbartNews
RT @Survival: Indigenous people's safety in Brazil: The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has urged the Brazilian government to pro…
RT @raju: From Gene Editing to A.I., How Will Technology Transform Humanity? via @NYTimes
RT @theintercept: The dangerous junk science of vocal risk assessment by @eyywa
RT @observadorpt: Religião e Política: como os evangélicos estão a dominar a América Latina:
RT @samjknights: Make no mistake, people are dying now. People are hurting right now. And it is people in the global south and people of co…
RT @Ayak_aa: Nyt on kyllä härkskiä meininkiä. Ensin luvataan, että koulutuksesta ei leikata. Sitten seuraa 190milj leikkaukset amattillisee…
RT @adalia_anna: Vejam o tamanho desse absurdo. O deputado Eduardo Bolsonaro, filho do presidente eleito, faz clara ameaça à funcionários d…
RT @harriolkn: Mutta Oodi olisi seissyt päätöksen takana jättää ko. sana teokseen. Huolestuttavaa.
RT @jonathanwatts: Amazon deforestation surges to worst level since 2008. Brazil going back to slash-and-burn economics.…
RT @thorstenbenner: On the death of independent journalism in Hungary: how Origo turned into an Orban mouthpiece. It started with @deutsche…
...but their very existence as people. The denial of their identity is used as a weapon against them in a violent land conflict in Bahia.
...or the National Museum of Denmark? Anyway, the National Museum of Denmark's erroneus information regarding the T…
...Interestingly, and quite scandalously, the museum still claims in its website that Tupinambás are extinct. Also…
In 2000 this cape/headpiece was exhibited in Brazil. It caused a strong emotional effect in the contemporary Tupina…
RT @Pam_Palmater: Why is it that real Indigenous peoples have to prove their identities for everything from housing to treaties to politica…
RT @socioambiental: Revolta e coragem! Essas são imagens de ação em novembro dos Agentes Indígenas Ambientais, os guardiões da floresta da…
RT @helikontio: Israel's forgotten Thai workers. #migrantlabour
RT @Info_Activism: Argentina: Digital Campaigns in the 2015 and 2017 Elections
RT @Info_Activism: Colombia: Personal Data in the 2018 Legislative and Presidential Elections
RT @astroehlein: Hungarian asylum policy under Orbán... For those fleeing the horrors of war: “Go away, or we will literally starve you.…
RT @cameraZoe: 'I've come here today because it's perhaps the very last chance we have to make a protest which will really change the direc…
RT @CherylRofer: We need to end Bitcoin as part of the program to save the planet.
RT @tezilyas: Am I a ‘shit Muslim’, or...
RT @neetainari: Ihan mielenkiintoinen lausuma kun keskustan oma liikenneministeri on ajamassa meidät luonnon hiljaisuudessa elävät radanvar…