Member activity

RT @crisvector: Tão reclamando da proteção ao Jean Wyllys? É simples galera, apenas PAREM de ameaçar o cara de MORTE? Valeu flws
RT @bruceecurb: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights demands Brazil takes measures to protect the safety of Jean Wyllys, Brazil's only…
RT @ARautiainen: According to this survey, Finland is the most racist country in Western Europe: People of African descent face 'dire pict…
RT @suviauvi: Huomasitteko, että @MarkkanenLauri ilmoitti lopettavansa punaisen lihan syömisen? Ilmoituksen taustalla on Nesteen maksama ma…
Filmworker - Elämäni Kubrickin palveluksessa Yle Areenassa: #yleareena
RT @domphillips: Brazil reneges on hosting UN climate talks under Bolsonaro presidency @jonathanwatts
RT @nofilmschool: Go behind the scenes with Digital Sputnik on the modern sci-fi feature IRON SKY…
Last chance to see * Making Free Translations / Tehdään Vapaita Käännöksiä * today and tomorrow (14-16h) at…
RT @Info_Activism: For Americans, Social Media Bots Are Almost Indistinguishable from Humans new survey from the Pew Research Center found…
RT @suviauvi: Lauri Markkanen lopettaa punaisen lihan käytön. Jos yksi kovimmista suomalaisista urheilijoita selviää ilman lihaa niin etköh…
RT @satuhassi: Bios/ Metsien käytön ajojärjestys: 1 ensin varmistetaan nielut, 2 mekaaniset puutuotteet (esim rakennukset, huonekalut), 3 k…
RT @neetainari: Raportti paljastaa: Saamelaiset kokevat, että valtio ”pakkosuomalaistaa” heitä edelleen
RT @domphillips: Brazil withdraws candidacy to hold next year's COP 25 UN climate conference, two months after candidacy.…
RT @LotteLeicht1: Disturbing disturbing. Antisemitism and intolerance on the rise in Europe.
RT @BrazilianReport: Inspired by the work of @HansRosling, we've created animated charts showing the evolution of #wealth and life expectan…
RT @biret: University of Helsinki: Ancient DNA shows the Sámi and Finns share identical Siberian genes
RT @simongerman600: What are the whereabouts of the world's nuclear weapons? That said one functioning bomb is destructive enough... Source…
RT @KansanUutiset: Vastarintaliike marssii jälleen 6.12. Professorin mukaan poliisi olisi voinut myös valita toisin. #ilmannatseja https://…
RT @crisvector: Nisso concordo com o Olavão. O mais próximo é o Cabo Daciolo mas ele não é mais esquerda.
RT @ggreenwald: Obviously, neither WL nor Manafort's vehement denials are dispositive, but If I were the Editor-in-Chief of the Guardian, I…
RT @fannymalinen: This. "To build a resistance across society, the problem must be rooted in the life of ordinary people as much as a willi…
RT @guardian: Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy
RT @EPettay: Greenhouse gas emissions show no signs of peaking. CO2 emissions from energy and industry increased in 2017. Total annual ghg…
RT @ExtinctionR: Solidarity to the Australian youth taking their future into their own hands and walking out of school to protest governmen…
@JupeX75 @KnuuttilaS @Riikka_Suominen @vihrealanka Brasilian biodiversiteetin ja hiilinielujen vaarantuminen on maa…
RT @Dimmu141: Silloin kun hävittää juoda yksin himassa ja sulla on lemmikki.