Member activity

RT @ModerateRadio: One quote from George H. W. Bush shows the imperial hubris he embodied. On July 3, 1988, the US shot down an Iranian ci…
RT @Info_Activism: Shocking Maps Show How Humans Have Reshaped Earth Since 1992 - Generated from satellite data, the maps track losses and…
RT @ninalakhani: Conviction of seven killers brings some justice, but crucial questions remain about who killed #BertaCáceres…
RT @BrazilianReport: Journalists listen to the leaders’ announcement about the final document of the #G20Summit. The press has no access to…
RT @AnskuHolstila: .@SiniHarkki_GP : "Aktivistit ovat protestoineet aiheuttamatta vaaraa kenellekään ja tuoneet esille keskellä Eurooppaa e…
RT @biret: CNN: 7.0 Alaska quake damages roads, brings scenes of chaos
How Instagram hides behind Facebook – and rakes in billions | Technology | The Guardian
Kuukausiliite: Lento AY1723 Kanarialle nousee nyt, ja sinäkin maksat siitä – Näin massiiviset tuet tekevät lentämis…
RT @extinctsymbol: British trophy hunters brought home two tonnes of elephant tusks from Africa over the past decade, new figures show: htt…
RT @ilkkajii: The most interesting read on #typography this year! 🤯
RT @mysande: Miksi Röllin konfirmaatio epäonnistui? ° ° ° ° ° Sieltä puuttui tilipitappirippipappi.
RT @arunindy: Don't mourn George Bush. Mourn 100s of thousands massacred in Iraq, thousands slaughtered in Panama, millions dead in Souther…
RT @AilaPaloniemi: Lääkitty hiv ei tartu. Lääkityksen avulla hivin kanssa voi elää oireetonta elämää tavalliseen tapaan. Suomi on hivhoidon…
RT @krassenstein: BREAKING: It was just voted on by a DC Neighborhood group to rename the road in front of the Saudi Arabian embassy after…
RT @biret: ”Kuningaskunnan kohtelu alleviivaa entisestään sitä, kuinka maailmanpolitiikassa ihmisoikeusloukkauksista nuhtelu, eristäminen t…
Dear evolution, why our butt make trumpet noises?
Big & small experiments in the government but always bold! We launched the big on wednesda…
@swanlandia @annamariakaro @AaltoCS @hellominh @guyjulier @inlandDesign happy for you Anna! great achievement! I wa…
Aparte de los dos experimentos en mi trabajo @inlandDesign esta semana salió mi podcast de diseño para la comunidad…
RT @inlandDesign: Haluatko tietää, miltä kahden valtion viraston yhteisvoimin tehty kokeilu näyttää? Käy kurkistamassa Q&Alenteria huomenna…
en una semana lanzamos dos experimentos! pusimos en producción una red de chatbots entre tres agencias del gobierno…
Listened to Factfulness by Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Ola Rosling. Try #Audible and get it free:…
RT @arunindy: Police in America originated as slave patrols. That's why police reform will never work. The institutional racism in policing…
RT @ChicagoJVP: .@EBU_HQ Apartheid and occupation is nothing to celebrate! Broadcasters should withdraw from #Eurovision hosted by Israel.…
RT @Survival: "They stop to point towards something in the jungle that I can’t identify: a gorilla has just passed by. I freeze, while they…
RT @VarisVerkosto: Poliisi on useasti estänyt muiden kuin natsien mielenosoituksia ilman kieltoja, silti "Poliisihallituksen poliisiylitark…
RT @ninalakhani: By me: seven men convicted of murdering Honduran indigenous environmentalist BertaCáceres; four men convicted of the attem…
RT @AnnaJKaiser: My @TheEconomist story on Escola sem Partido, a movement to rid schools of "leftist indoctrination" & ban teachers from di…