Member activity

RT @TravisMannon: You never hear the context of the refugee caravan. This is by design. Decades of U.S. dirty wars and CIA intervention in…
RT @biret: The Guardian: The unprecedented plan to move an Arctic city: "The world’s biggest iron ore mine is about to swallow the Swedish…
RT @jmkorhonen: .@PellegriniP_ the detained activists may have broken the law but fossil fuel industry is breaking the planet. The evidence…
RT @RJuntumaa: Vertailevaa tietoa ja autenttista tekstiä teoksessa Silvennoinen & Tikka & Roselius (2016): Suomalaiset fasistit. https://t.…
RT @susanmcp1: Despicable. He’s Built an Empire, With Detained Migrant Children as the Bricks "Casting himself as a…
RT @anarina: O Mais Médicos não é só um programa para trazer médicos formados no exterior. Hoje o G1 começa a publicar uma série de reporta…
'That .. elite misrepresents its factional interests as the interests of the national as a whole is at the heart o…
Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda Yle Areenassa: #yleareena
RT @astroehlein: The @epp is so covered in shame over this. You can’t say you’re a group of parties that support democracy and yet promote…
RT @OliverStuenkel: This is a sad moment for academia not only in Hungary, but all over the world.
RT @EspooEsbo: Espoo on Suomen ensimmäinen kaupunki, jossa laservaloshow korvaa perinteiset ilotulitteet uudenvuoden juhlinnassa. #espoo #u…
RT @hecturchi: Estonia decided IDs should last two more years so I checked out some repositories, built some software (all open source), fi…
RT @extinctsymbol: Trump administration to allow seismic blasting harmful to marine creatures:
RT @VinodSreeharsha: The cost of Brazil's judiciary has quadrupled in real terms over the past two decades reports @Estadao today: (main s…
RT @Survival: The #Jarawa, neighbors of the #Sentinelese, are also under threat from unwanted visitors...
RT @ananavarro: “No. No. Really. It was hilarious. He lived and worked in the US. I sent a team. They tortured him. They bled him dry. The…
RT @jacobinmag: Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's fascist president, loves to say that “a good thug is a dead thug.” But the saying didn't start wit…
RT @MST_Oficial: 📻🔗🌎 *Rádio Camponesa na internet 📌 Acompanhe o Programa no link: 🔗 📻 Sintonize 96,7 💻 Acesse htt…
RT @minjakoskela: ”On absurdia, että aktivisteja syytetään rauhanomaisesta mielenosoituksesta samalla kun hiiliteollisuus on uhka koko ihmi…
RT @BCAppelbaum: "Economists are calling the economy 'great' because that’s what they’re used to doing. They just mean that most people hav…
Brazil: Bolsonaro's attempt to shed crocodile tears for the country's indigenous population is just another act of…
RT @raju: Six Ways Leaders Kill Conversation
RT @BrazilBrian: 25 years after Escobar's death, Colombian cartel leaders have become more "invisible," use the Pacific instead of the Cari…
RT @raju: Journalism has a focus problem: How to combat Shiny Things Syndrome
RT @trevortimm: Except that time he pardoned all his aides under criminal investigation by a special counsel so it didn’t lead back to him…
RT @miss_shelved: White male patron: “A large BLACK MAN outside was yelling profanities at me” and told me to call the police. I went outs…