Member activity

RT @EmmaDaly: This is so creepy. And dangerous. And violates religious freedom rights. Indonesia Launches ‘Snitch’ App Targeting Religious…
RT @DKaimowitz: #Norway to heavily restrict palm oils linked to devastating #deforestation
RT @AntifaFinland: Poliisin esitutkintapöytäkirjan mukaan Paula Kylä-Harakka maksoi piirin luottokortilla esimerkiksi oman autonsa huollon,…
RT @PetraLaiti: Hei @saarasofia, kalastuslaki ei nykyisellään tunnusta alkuperäiskansojen oikeutta perinteisiin vesialueisiinsa ja kriminal…
RT @bruceecurb: How high can he go? Former Rio de Janeiro governor Sergio Cabral racks up almost 198 years of prison time…
RT @socioambiental: Comunicação é união! A Rede de Comunicadores Indígenas do Rio Negro tem chegado onde a grande mídia e a internet não co…
RT @NoahShachtman: NOVEMBER: Facebook brags that it is now automatically catching the majority of hate speech on the platform. DECEMBER: F…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Manafort was acting as a double agent inside Mueller’s office — He agreed to plead guilty and to cooperate with Muelle…
RT @veronikahonka: STT: Yli 30:lle syyte pappi Marjaana Toiviaisen kunnian loukkaamisesta
RT @amnestyfinland: Ihmisoikeuspuolustaja Atena Daemi tuomittiin seitsemän vuoden vankeuteen – kuolemanrangaistuksen vastustamisesta. Aten…
RT @FacesPics: Even this coffee cup didn’t want to get up this morning
RT @GeorgeTakei: Nope, definitely not the smart one.
RT @WitnessBrasil: A iniciativa reúne @RSF_pt, @abraji @ARTIGO19, @vladimirherzog e @intervozes para construir uma rede pela proteção de co…
RT @intervozes: Sábado que vem (8), Salvador vai receber a 1a edição de uma Criptofesta! No Rio Vermelho. Segurança digital, liberdade de e…
RT @VarisVerkosto: Suomen Sisun perustajajäsen ja Perussuomalaisten kaupunginvaltuutettu Teemu Lahtinen: "Hietaniemen hautausmaalle kulkev…
RT @VarisVerkosto: Yle uutisotsikko kerrankin hyvin kohdillaan itsenäisyyspäivän äärioikeistolaisista mielenosoituksista: Kaduillamme mars…
RT @bruceecurb: How could I have missed this? Atlantic photo-essay on the capybara, the wisest rodent in South America. There is as yet - s…
RT @EricBeinhocker: The scariest article you will perhaps read ever. Insects are at the base of the food chain and pollinate everything. Th…
RT @mustapipa: How to make a carbon tax popular? Give the proceeds to the people.
RT @bruceecurb: Three months after Brazil's national museum burnt down, the help promised by President Michel Temer has largely failed to m…
RT @teropa: “How Generative Music Works” My presentation & music from #loopberlin
RT @nikopotomous: I can’t stand this. Sacking the scientific advisory board, claiming its in the name of opening up to new ideas, and sugge…
RT @ALuizCosta: "O Ministério do Trabalho passa a estar contido majoritariamente no Ministério da Justiça". A missão de Moro vai ser perseg…
RT @BrianSpanner1: What did you do during Brexit, Dad?
RT @anapuakamuniz: INSCRIÇÕES PRORROGADAS até 21 de janeiro de 2019 Filmes com temática indígena podem ser enviados para a sétima edição do…
RT @stewarthome1: A study from 2017 reported that almost three quarters of Tumblr users are women. This means... the platform... created a…
RT @APC_News: ¿Listas para el Festival de Internet Feminista? #FPIContentCarnival #InternetFeminista…
RT @IfNotUs_ThenWho: Indigenous rights and the traditional knowledge of communities is key in managing forest areas and combatting #climate…
RT @PasanenAmanda: Huippua! Rauhanomainen aktivismi ei ole rikos, vaan kansalaisoikeus!