Member activity
RT @alicesperi: In a city where marijuana use was already effectively legal for most people, Keith Shenery fit the profile of the New Yorke…
RT @TerribleMaps: Moon on flag vs. flag on Moon
RT @Cecillia: Milicianos constroem prédios de luxo em área de proteção ambiental na Zona Oeste do RJ e anunciam apartamentos em imobiliária…
RT @socioambiental: Também estamos de olho, @conectas! Nenhum passo atrás! 👊🏾
RT @BrazilianReport: 1 in every 4 Brazilians is poor, according to @ibgecomunica (poverty in Brazil means living with less than USD 5.50/da…
RT @socioambiental: Está doendo no bolso! 💸 O estudo mostra que são perdidos mais de R$ 6,4 bilhões ao ano por causa de fenômenos como inun…
RT @theintercept: “What really is being demanded is that we all submit to historical revisionism — that a false narrative about history and…
RT @MattiRiitakorpi: Jos joskus tuntuu, että sun ideat on huonoja, niin muista, että Disney teki Viidakkokirjalle telkkarijatko-osan Pilipa…
RT @suviauvi: Todella erikoinen päätös Hesarilta sensuroida Jarlan alkuperäistä taidetta ja suojella lehdessä mainostavat yrityksen kunniaa…
RT @brandimarte: Batman and Popeye were among the beneficiaries of a graft scheme involving Petrobras and oil trading giants in Brazil, pro…
RT @svuorikoski: ”Nyt sul tulee niin vitusti kysymyksii, laita ne sähköpostilla, niin rauhoitut hieman." Kysyimme Eero Lehdeltä, Jethro Ros…
RT @deolhonoagro: Você já leu?
Aliada do governador Azambuja, tucana trabalha contra a causa indígena na Assembleia; um relatório da Funai…
Suspiria - Featurette: The Transformations | Amazon Studios via @YouTube
RT @SamCowie84: 😬⏰💥
RT @Wikipedia: What does Wikipedia mean to you? What do you use it for?
RT @JariLiski: Vuoden tärkein uutinen julkaistiin juuri. #Ilmastonmuutos'ksen hillintätoimet etenevät tuskastuttavan hitaasti: fossiilisen…
RT @CuriousZelda: I'm feeling bored
Not much to do
I tilt my head
The world is new
RT @EthanZ: The ways Twitter is failing Dalits in India echoes the way Facebook fails Muslims in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. US-based internatio…
RT @bradplumer: Also, I understand the criticisms about RCP8.5 being too pessimistic and whatnot, but we're now nearly one-fifth of the way…
RT @bradleybrooks: Corruption allegations hitting top members of Brazil President-elect Bolsonaro’s gov’t, meant to have zero tolerance on…
RT @raju: Mark Zuckerberg's Biggest Problem: Internal Tensions At @Facebook Are Boiling Over
RT @MattiMorttinen: Mitä muita sinisiä tulevaisuusinvestointeja joka maakuntaan varuskunnan lisäksi?
RT @hausfath: Some grim news: global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and industry will rise around 3% in 2018, the fastest in 7 years, dash…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: new data today suggests continuing increase in extreme poverty. Coincides with increase in cooking gas prices, cite…
RT @Survival: We have 4 weeks to prevent the genocide of the #uncontacted Kawahiva tribe in the #Amazon rainforest. Crucial steps to protec…
RT @rogeriotomazjr: A médica cubana @AnaMarlenHernn1 atuou no #MaisMedicos em Alto Alegre, Rondônia, quase fronteira com a Bolívia. Ana é u…
RT @crisvector: A capa da @TIME que a gente gostaria de poder escolher.
Shrek Retold via @YouTube
RT @ciminacional: Lideranças do povo Xukuru estiveram reunidos na manhã de hoje (04), no Ministério dos Direitos Humanos, em Brasília, para…
RT @SiniHarkki_GP: Metsäpalot ovat paljon raportoitua suurempi ilmastopäästöjen lähde ja ne on saatava kuriin. Palot on saatava #COP24 asia…